Search Results for hotel

French Fried Wi-Fi: Dupont Circle To National Harbor

September 22nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

It’s been a weird week for PingWi-Fi on social media, but we keep on keeping on. On Twitter, I received a vague message from a college professor buddy of mine. Seemed legit. I clicked on the link and it requested that I log in on Twitter. It should have said “sucker.” After all these years […]

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Wi-Fi Highlights, Pingworthy Moments From The Blog

June 25th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Satire · Sports · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

There is no question a writer can “be too close to” their work … or any “artist” can be too close … So, although I think this site is pretty easy to navigate, you never know. Therefore … for your ease, if you are interested, we have compiled a family-style buffet of PingWi-Fi entrees for […]

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Fallen Women, Wi-Fi, No Smokes, Opera & One Wet Motorbike

May 12th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Do you remember that software app. a few years ago that would allow the user to “deface” the homepage of Websites?  What was it called? … can’t find it on Google … The only people who could see the damage were the ones who had the software app.  So, I don’t think it actually damaged […]

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Wi-Fi & Wieners: Winning Combo For PingWi-Fi ‘Phase 2’

May 2nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Sports · Wi-Fi

Before this blog, we compiled another road trip site called The Wi-Fi Guy, and as with any successful endeavor, there were discussions on how to keep the momentum … how to keep the content fresh … how to remain relevant and so on. Among the more interesting was an idea proposed by a woman who […]

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Nelsons Do Basketball/Truckin Mashup On #DIFF Red Carpet

April 20th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Uncategorized

How often do two of your favorite worlds collide before your eyes, with a positive result? Ha! I was in a rock ‘n’ roll/basketball nirvana yesterday at The Dallas International Film Festival’s red carpet as Dallas Mavericks brain trust The Nelsons took center stage. What’s that got to do with rock ‘n’ roll? … Now, […]

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Have 2-Wheelers, Will Travel — For Chiang Mai Wi-Fi

April 4th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

I think I have discovered something significant, at least for a travel writer. If you stall and stonewall and procrastinate before you write, you get to carry the adventure inside you a little longer. It has been weeks since I reached the final stage of the Thailand adventure. The trip covered the tiny nation and […]

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Naka Island Wi-Fi — PingWi-Fi Team Bangs The Gong

March 7th, 2012 · Tags: Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

After the grandeur of Krabi Beach and Phulay Bay, well, shall we say it was good to have a little palate cleanser. So in that regard, our night of roughing it at Summer Hotel in Phuket Town was exactly what we needed … as we prepared for what would prove to be a highlight of […]

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Hey Wi-Fi, Get On Your Bad Motor Scooter & Ride

February 13th, 2012 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Hotels · Wi-Fi

As mentioned, after the luxurious times at Krabi Beach, we had a rocking time in Phuket … too much fun and not enough lodging. After my buddy Steve and I closed down the Hard Rock Cafe, we combed the backstreets, looking for a place to stay. It was the dawning of The Year of The […]

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The Wi-Fi Journey To ‘Nina?’ … Too Thai’d To Drive

February 11th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

All good things must come to an end, pretty much. So, enough of the pampered, lah-tee-friggin-dah luxury blogging. For the next leg of our journey, although we may have kicked it down a notch. It was really when things got interesting. As we left Krabi Beach, The Sheraton, the luxury of Phulay Bay, we headed […]

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Krabi Sheraton Wi-Fi – Multiple Restaurants, Multiple Passwords?

February 9th, 2012 · Tags: Hotels · Wi-Fi

So, as mentioned in the last blog, there was no room in the inn … or resort … we saw down the road at Ritz-Carlton Phulay Bay Resort, so we drove the rental car over to the Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort. As you probably know, the Sheraton is a Starwood property.  (We’ll see more of […]

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