Search Results for hotel

Coffee Breaking, Bad Ass IS Open For Wi-Fi

October 25th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

I’ve had my good eye on Bad Ass Coffee and another shop since I arrived in Dillon a couple of months back.  At first glance, I thought B@ had closed down, because it is not the only business in a small office building.  And, it is not the business you see from the main street […]

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Hellgate Trading Post AKA Missoula – Gets W in Wi-Fi Column

October 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

There is something about a college town. There’s the Saturday football craziness, there is the cultural awareness and the arts … and there is an appreciation for whatever is trending. For me, it’s Wi-Fi that is trending, so when I headed to Missoula, Mont. — home of uMont, The University of Montana I expected plenty. […]

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Efficiency Means Tough Decisions For Quirky Traveler

October 15th, 2013 · Tags: Hotels

Travel is a funny thing. So many variables. Then, if you get other people involved in arranging your schedule, your priorities, your budget … man, what a mess it can be.   As I galavant around — from time to time — I have a rare opportunity to go home and take a break before […]

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‘Live Action’ For Montana Ghost Town – Wi-Fi & Wildmen

September 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

    Seldom do I expect “The Dirty Gig” to be glamorous. I mean … especially comparing it to the travel blog content that has pinged Major League press boxes, film festivals, bowl games, TV shoots, international flights, NFL games, skyscrapers and fancy places around the world. Typically, the disaster recovery portion of my travel […]

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Mental Note: Put A Ping Under Pillow For Peace Of Mind

September 13th, 2013 · Tags: Hotels · Satire

If I don’t cash them in now, I think someday I may have enough hotel points to just retire and grow old in the nearest Holiday Inn. Now there’s an optimistic thought:) And with all those points stories have accumulated as well … life on the road leads to some pretty interesting hotel situations.

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Pair O’ Eyeglasses Lost At Dirty Gig – Blog About Nothing

August 24th, 2013 · Tags: Satire

  Dumpster diving … ever do it?

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PingWi-Fi Visits ‘Our Lady’ … Ain’t She A Butte?

August 18th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

      After a brief return to Fort Worth and Amarillo, fate finds me back in The Big Sky Country of Montana. Ha … after one day back on the job at The Dirty Gig, I had a day off. So, yes I hit the road. Today i drove to Missoula, but passed Butte […]

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There’s Womb For Improvement, But Pretend This Is Best Blog Ever… Preparing For Flaming Lips @SXSW

March 8th, 2013 · Tags: Airports · Arts · Hotels

  I guess I just have a knack for being in the right place at the right time … sort of. Because out of all the hundreds of concerts where Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips has hopped inside his space ball and walked over the audience, flawlessly, the PingWi-Fi team picked the one show […]

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But Santa, All I Wanted Was Me Some Tebow!?!

December 24th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

I won’t lie. There was no Christmas joy when I learned I would be working at the Dirty Gig, the day before the day before Christmas. But dirty is as dirty does … or it is what it is or whatever. It got better.

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Wi-Fi Pings Parade With Macy’s, 3.5 Million Friends

November 23rd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

  It’s got to be one of the top icons for the Thanksgiving holiday. I mean there is thankfulness, overeating, football AND the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

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