Get Your Kicks En Route To Bliss

Posted by: wifiguy on 05/28/2004 16:25:23

After such a good time in Boise, I didn’t expect more bliss … but there it was — Bliss, Idaho — about 100 miles or so east on 84. I had to wonder if the town’s settlers had “marital bliss” in mind, or perhaps “ignorance is bliss” … who knows. I guess marital bliss can mean many things in these parts, as I head toward Salt Lake City.

To arrive at Bliss — just like Evil Knievel, so many years ago — I crossed the Snake River … You may recall Evil road a rocket “called” a motorcycle. As for me, my mode of choice … a bright orange C I Host SUV. I was probably moving about as fast as Mr. Knievel had, when I first caught wind of this tiny town.

An advertisement for a grocery story caught my eye because it was called “Stinker” and had a skunk on its sign. Now that is guerilla marketing!

So, I had to check out Stinker, the Bliss Country Store. First of all, I had to visit the facilities, although I was a bit apprehensive due to the name. But, here’s a bonus. Stinky’s had not one, not two, but three restrooms, numbered with big hand-made signs: #1, #2 and #3.

Being a TV junkie, of course I thought of the old game show, “Let’s Make a Deal.” Remember, contestants had to choose which door they thought hid the prize? “Is it behind door number one?” … and so on.

When I was a kid, I always chose door number two, and to this day, think it was the best bet. So, I used that strategy at Stinky’s. It seemed to turn out okay …

Oh, it never occurred to me till now that #1 and #2 have a different meaning in this connotation … now I am way curious about #3 …

Well this I DO know, behind door #2, there was also a shower. I guess truck stops and campgrounds normally have showers available … but to this road warrior, a shower in the supermarket — just across from the produce section — was a new concept.

I’m sure it goes without saying that there was no Wi-Fi. But, now, after the brief visit, there are some Wi-Fi friends in and around Bliss. As I was standing at the checkout counter, I heard a young boy crying. His mom was trying to comfort him, although “Zander” was not getting the toy he requested.

My son is named Zander too, so it got my attention.

I went over to the mother and son and said, “Say, I have a truck outside — yes, the bright orange one — filled with Wi-Fi Guy toys, that I carry around for kids. … But, only for boys named Zander.” Thinking it was his lucky day, he stopped crying, and I think his mom thought that was pretty cool.

All of a sudden these three highway employees — two in their forties and a younger guy — all piped in, “Hey, we’re all three named Zander too.” How funny. I think the most vocal, who turned out to be a really nice guy, was the one I would have most avoided in a dark alley. He was sporting a ponytail and looked pretty authentico in his Harley t-shirt. A pretty big, tough looking sort … full beard … you get the picture.

I went outside and grabbed some freebies from the truck. For fun, when I walked back in the store, I said, “Hey Zander.” Not missing a beat, the real Zander, and all three of the new buddies all turned around smiling.

I gave them t-shirts and took a photo for the Web site … which, by the way … who knows when the shots will be posted. (Sorry, the trouble with my ongoing computer troubles on the road continues.)

Also, I struck a conversation with the store clerk. I had to ask her what it was like living “in Bliss.” She kind of rolled her eyes to indicate it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be … but she said, “Well, I’ll say this, it is pretty cool being 23 and able to own your own home.” I agree. Hope I can post those photos soon.

Someday, I will put up all the shots from Bliss. One of my favorites is the little pizza restaurant. The sign on the side of the eatery said, “Skinny Pig. Bliss’s Best!”

What is wrong with you people?

Now my curiosity was really cranking. I toured the town. It didn’t take but 2-3 minutes, with the population of 275.

The thing I saw next, as I headed out of town had me thinking for miles. In the front lawn of Bliss High School was a huge, round boulder, about the size of a lawn tractor. It had been painted bright yellow, with a set of lips and eyes added … to make a smiley face symbol.

I had to think it was in honor of The Wi-Fi Guy, because of the similarity, but I am probably wishful thinking …

But it got me to thinking. I wondered what their high school mascot might be. Can you imagine playing football again the Bliss “Fighting Smileys?” Or could they be the “Bliss-ters?”

Maybe after so many hours on the road, I am just a bliss-fool. But I do like unusual high school mascots … my favorite … back in Texas anyway: The “Trent Gorillas.”

Just glad to be here! Bliss gets a smiley kinda score: 4 out of 7 body piercings, by my book.

Stay tuned!