OK Spuds, PingWi-Fi Has The New Rules From Devo

March 21st, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

If you have not seen it, you may want to check out the written version of the Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo) interview from a couple of days ago.  PingWi-Fi caught up with the band in Dallas, on their way to SXSW in Austin.  Note: If you have seen the written interview, there is some information in the videos below that did not make it into the blog previously.

It’s like they say, “It’s not too late …”

OH, sorry about the sound quality. We are a start up.  If you have a mike you are not using … I can send you the address … LOL!  BUT … I will say this, despite the poor sound quality — I will match my ability to stutter and stammer in an interview with anyone’s — hands down.

“What we do is what we do!” — Know what I sayin?

Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo on the subject of music diversity, etc.:

And here are the new rules as defined by these innovators:

Hmmm … does Devo do Wi-Fi? — Mark’s thoughts on connectivity:

My favorite Devo song? — “Gates of Steel,” but Mick, he got another in mind:

And, yes, I came up with a new comparison that had never occurred to Devo — based on their early interviews — so misunderstood by the reporters:

Does The IQ Surpass The Bowling Score? — Dodging Red Balls

March 21st, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire

With only a couple of exceptions, every year I drive to the top of Texas for the annual beer fest and old-timers barbecue in my home town. I only partake of one of those delicacies these days, but it is still worth the five-hour drive to see old friends.

Two years ago, I learned that apparently I still have enemies at home as well — even though that means individuals have been all hatin’ for more than 20 years. As I was hanging with the good old boys, one inebriated acquaintance told me how much he and his classmates despised me.

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PingWi-Fi Takes On Devo Before SXSW — Ain’t Through Bein’ Coo

March 19th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

After seeing Devo perform live, I realized their true genius — from a marketing perspective. Of all the cerebral things they did — nothing was more strategic than the nerdy, sci-fi, futuristic personas they created! Why? Because 20 years later, their nerdiness is preserved perfectly. Look at a boy-band after puberty — but would you want to? What have you got? Look at Michael Jackson … after his voice change (and a few alterations) and you hardly recognize him. Ha … I remember seeing The Rolling Stones back in 1980 and thinking “Man, these guys are on the downhill slope, and it shows.”

Are We Not Twins?

Are We Not Twins?

As Mick and the boys so aptly phrased it, “Time waits for no one …”

Yet Devo didn’t set the bar very high, in terms of sex appeal and virility. They opted instead for brain appeal … a quirkiness factor, that is still intact. And a mature quirky simply becomes eccentric … It works.

Brilliant! More about the show later … first … an interview.

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PingWi-Fi Asks Devo-esque Question: ‘Are We Not Twins?’

March 19th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Satire · Wi-Fi

“It’s not to late to whip it.  Whip it good.”

I ain’t gonna lie (because there is no time for that) … I was at a loss as to what to wear to interview Mark Mothersbaugh, frontman for Devo (and brilliant soundtrack dude).  I don’t have a Devo helmet, nor their trademark spud collar.  Hmmm … I opted for something gray, uniform and somewhat man machine-like.

Ha … I’ll be, if I didn’t get backstage only to find Mothersbaugh dressed the same way — nerd haircut, gray shirt, silver glasses.  Obviously we are brothers from anutha mutha — if not nerdy twins seperated at birth.

Are We Not Twins?

Are We Not Twins?

I have much more to report — concert review, one-on-one interview, photos, but meanwhile just want to get up this preview.

If you get the chance, DO NOT miss Devo showcase or speaking opps. at SXSW.  Mothersbaugh is a visionary in music, intellect, art, culture, communications … Internet.  We had a great interview … until the end, when the egos clashed — seperated sibling rivalry?

Separated Siblings Rivalry?

Separated Siblings Rivalry?

Know what I sayin?

After All Is Said — What In It Fo Me, Yo? A SXSW Takeaway

March 18th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

Well … as a matter of fact, I do take offense to the person who messaged me about “bats flying out of my b..t” after the last post at PingWi-fi.  But, I am going to keep my head up and move forward.

So, who don’t love them some schwag!?! Call me biased, but my two favorite freebies are still my Boingo blinking luggage tag and of course my PingWi-Fi t-shirt.  (You see, I am a recent escapee from the corporate world, and I have had my fill of meaningless, dry, mundane messages.)  The slogan on the back of the PingWi-Fi shirt is the coming-of-age, cliche’: “I just threw up a little in my mouth.” Yep … that’s my fave, and that’s all I am going to say about my own depravity right now.

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Who Don’t Love A Top-10 List? PingWi-Fi On SXSW

March 18th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Satire · Wi-Fi

No doubt there are too many embarrassing moments and too much stuff I can’t repeat from SXSW Interactive.  But, I figure why not share some details.  In addition to finding great Wi-Fi at The Four Seasons, Garden District, The Driskil, Halcyon, Austin Java, Jo’s and more … here are the …

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SXSW Festival Serves Wi-Fi, Live Appearances

March 17th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

This morning on Austin’s FM 107, I heard that David (daVEED) Garza was playing live in the lobby of The Four Seasons hotel.  Rats … got there too late.  But, I got to see another Austin favorite perform,  Bob Schneider. (Got the last of the breakfasts burritos, too, I might add.)

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Keep Austin Wi-Fi — Bike Tour Beyond SXSW

March 16th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

For all road warriors, I can’t think of a better rule of thumb — carry a bike in the back of your hybrid, H2 or whatever.  It saves gas, saves the planet, infuriates cabbies and gets you where you want to go most economically.  Last night I road up  and down 6th Street several times and in the Warehouse District to check out the SXSW flava.  There were stops at Peche … 6 … a PBS artist showcase and more. Ha … I even infiltrated a local mountain bike gang as they road wheelies into the night.  Here are a few highlights, including bluegrass busking to keep Austin unWired.

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Austin Venturing Beyond SXSW — Wi-Fi Quest

March 16th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Ok … I tried out a really cool coffee shop/cafe, right in the thick of things, near the SXSW show — Halcyon.  Right off the bat, I learned how they keep up with the high rent — $3.50 for a n/a ginger beer.  But it was good.

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If/When You Get Into The Endzone …

March 15th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

In the event there may be no perfect scores during the Austin visit .. this is what it would look like on the Ping-o-tron score card.  But … I am hopeful.  Any suggestions?  Have you found Wi-Fi nirvana and cafeine goodness while in Austin?  Suggestioins welcome.