Twitter Me This Batman: ‘Can One Really Get Too Many Tweets?’

April 27th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

One night I remembered the sordid details of some non-Freudian dream (darn it) in which I was tweeting status updates throughout the night.

You do Twitter, right? (If so, feel free to follow @pingwifi):

This I know. I have two psychics “following me” on Twitter … but I have to ask, why aren’t they leading? I digress …

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AT&T Wi-Fi Strategy Proves Sound, Despite Troubled Economy

April 23rd, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

Interesting news release … I ain’t gonna lie … we saw this one coming …

AT&T Sees Surge in Wi-Fi Connections

Usage Boosted By Increase in Broadband Customer Base, Growth of Wi-Fi Enabled Devices

DALLASAT&T, the U.S. Wi-Fi leader with nearly 20,000 domestic hotspots, today reported dramatic growth in the number of Wi-Fi users and connections. AT&T Wi-Fi connections totaled 10.5 million in the first quarter of 2009 – more than triple the 3.4 million connections in the first quarter of 2008, and more than half AT&T’s 20 million total Wi-Fi connections for all of 2008. The usage surge was driven by growth in AT&T’s wired and wireless broadband customer base, the proliferation of Wi-Fi enabled devices and the transition of Starbucks locations to AT&T’s Wi-Fi footprint.

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Mile-High Wi-Fi, Connectivy On The Go, For Peanuts Yo

April 21st, 2009 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

If you search for the hashtag Wi-Fi (#wi-fi) on Twitter, you may be surprised at the number of peeps whose lives apparently revolve around Wi-Fi access.

Seems perfectly normal to me … LOL

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Are You Drinkin The Kinder/Gentler Ugly Kool Aid?

April 19th, 2009 · Tags: Satire

The meek are jumping the gun a bit, dontcha think?

Let’s just cut to the chase. There are several tsunamis of insanity circling our globe at any one time, fueled by unintelligent media propaganda.

The latest — Susan Boyle.

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Tea Party Patriots Welcome Perry, Tough Texan Talk

April 16th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Politics · Satire

Perhaps it is premature to predict that Texas Governor Rick Perry will be the next U.S. President, but it is interesting to note that 5,000 people showed up in Fort Worth yesterday to see him stump at LaGrave Field.  That’s not bad — 5,000 people — four years before the election.  So, will the First Aggie of Texas become the 2012th Man for America?  And don’t get me wrong, there were people there from every party, as well as “non-partisan” Ron Paul-ites.

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Baseball; But No Water Dog & Government-owned Chevrolet

April 15th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports · Wi-Fi

At the risk of being labeled subversive or put on a blacklist by the current administration, I am writing about one of the most American of America’s pastimes — baseball.

I am sure such a wholesome activity is deemed unacceptable among the current socialist inner circle in Washington … but so be it.

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Ain’t Buying This Phat, Socialism Thing Obama Is Pedalin

April 12th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Politics

I wanted to ride my bike today.  On two wheels, I can turn up the iPod, burn a calorie, think and solve most of the world’s problems.  But today North Texas was forced indoors by heavy rains.  I turned to the tube …

There was an interesting piece on PBS about public bicycle sharing programs in France.  It’s a great idea, and also it makes a nice illustration regarding socialism.

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JiWire — Yes, There Is Money In Wi-Fi, Representin!

April 8th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Wi-Fi

So … like is Wi-Fi the savior of business as we know it.  Who knows, although you can prolly guess where I stand on the issue.

What was it the media called me back in 2004 … ah yes … “Wi-Fi Evangelist” and my favorite, “A Digital Kerouac” … good stuff.

Another fond memory — these guys reached out to me.  Well, I hope JiWire hasn’t forgotten “the little ‘guy.'”

This just in, from VentureBeat — JiWire Raises $11 Million:

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Will This Change Wi-Fi As We Know It?

April 8th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Wi-Fi

We see lots of news releases and news stories.  This one, from NetworkWorld, has our attention.

HP Throws In Towel Over Key Wi-Fi Lawsuit

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Paperback Writer Shuns Lennon, Yet Fargo Makes The List

April 5th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

Life’s coincidences always amaze me.  In the previous blog, I pontificated ad nauseam about rock bands, based on my meeting with a rock ‘n’ roller in Fargo, N.D.  As ’70s legendary band names spewed out of me like so much rhetoric from a Chicago politician, I mentioned one somewhat obscure rock band.

Wishbone Ash.

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