The 10-Year Anniversary Approaches

July 2nd, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

PingWi-Fi, Same Same As It Ever Was

June 5th, 2018 · Tags: Satire · Wi-Fi


August 24 will be the 10-year anniversary of The PingWi-Fi blog.  How time flies.  … Just wanted to take a second and say “thank yo”  to all the friends and family who have continued to read along over the years.

Because of you, the blog will continue its goal to seek out and explore new Wi-Fi worlds … but more than that … to digress frequently, and to remain as irreverent as ever.

Whether dressed in a blingy tux or doing the long-haired motorcycle thang on the side of the road, it’s the same as it ever was — we simply just do not care🙂 We hope you feel the same same.


Know what I sayin?

Pitching Names For New Texas Baseball Team

June 1st, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports


What’s in a name?

I know people. And some of those people like to name things … imaginary rock bands and maybe a country band name or two. My most recent, Tire Swing … I digress.

One’s name, or brand is important … trying to exalt your name above all names (of your competitors that is).

Geez … sports teams are no different. They need a great name — strong/fierce, perhaps an animal or a bird of prey, something with geographical or historical significance. Some sports names have a sense of humor too.

Case in point, my college roommate’s intramural football team was called Vomit & The Groceries. I never heard the story behind that name, and I don’t think I want to know. I digress …

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The Mother Road

May 28th, 2018 · Tags: Uncategorized

Brothers Of The Road, The Mother Road …

Just This, Then Moratorium On Windmills … Already

May 24th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Coffee Shops


I had said I would try no more windmill video tricks.  I lied.  Maybe I need a windmill support group.  After all those years of making cracks about black-velvet paintings of windmills … I tried to get out and they sucked me back in.



Little Movie Set That Could

May 23rd, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities

This has kind of a down-home feel about it.  A Folk Art video take on what has become a nice museum. 

Grazes With Cadillacs

May 20th, 2018 · Tags: Arts

Folk Art, Windmills Still …

May 19th, 2018 · Tags: Arts

The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The Wind

May 13th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Coffee Shops · Music


In Jim Stafford’s old novelty tune, “The Wildwood Weed,” the storyteller speaks of finding his brother Bill “naked, singing on the windmill,”  after a night of home-grown revelry.  (Ha … When my brother was a young boy, he once tried to fly off the windmill wearing a cape, but I think he was fully clothed.)

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Dallas International Film Festival … The B-I-G Idea

May 9th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities


Anthony Pedone

If you go to The West Village in Dallas — or “Big D” — you will see these two large, blue (probably concrete) letters that spell out “B_G” … No, it is not a tribute to a falsetto disco group.  The “I” is missing.  But you don’t have to “buy a vowel,” when you can “be a vowel.” … So there are instructions on a mat on the sidewalk, with a graphic, showing where you should put your feet, between the B and the G, inviting you to stand there and complete the word.

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