PingWi-Fi Lights Up With Angels In Cig City

July 26th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

So, what does one say to a Hells Angel?

Yes. No kidding. I got on the elevator after work today, in Winston-Salem, N.C., and there were two gentlemen sporting black leather vests with one of the most recognized icon’s in the world, the Hells Angels logo. (I believe these two were from Nebraska.)

I am in Winston-Salem, “Cig City” as I will call it, for a “dirty jobs” gig to supplement my first love (for the time being) — Here in Cig City I am working with a crew to demolish portions of a retirement center that was ravished by fire.

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Guerilla Twitter Posts On The Sly

July 18th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire

There was a lull in the action at PingWi-Fi, so I slipped over to Dallas (actually Richardson) for some networking and a presentation on social media.

The speakers had HP and Dell Computers in their pedigrees, so I thought it was worth the petrol.

Man … I had not attended a Metroplex Technology Business Council meeting since about 2001 … back in the days when tech networking events in Dallas drew a couple of thousand geeks …

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Before PingWi-Fi … Thought I Could ‘Sell Ice To Eskimos’

July 15th, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire · Sports

I guess there is just no way to put this delicately. I think everything potentially is fodder for humor. Period. Blame it on my upbringing, tainted from that very first season of SNL.

Raise yo hand if you remember the operatically trained Garrett Morris singing “I gonna get me a gun and shoot all the whiteys I see” on SNL.

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‘This Is A Public Service Announcement’ … Clash Rehash

July 9th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Sweet. Someone found The Clash interview on this site, and they also dug through the archive and found a group photo of the band on the tour bus. The links were then posted on a Clash forum called If Music Could Talk —

Very cool. Best of all, their readers hit We crave that! And at ClashCity, they posted speculation on the band — taking what they knew of Clash history and cross referencing that with the smile or frown on each member of the band’s face in the Ping photo. Interesting observations.

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PingWi-Fi Poses Question: What If King Of Pop Is Still Alive?

July 7th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Satire

“This just in … Michael Jackson flung the casket open, hopped on top, did a backward flip to the floor and moonwalked across the stage to launch his new worldwide comeback tour … obviously the greatest publicity stunt in like forever, man.”

That’s why he is called The King (of Pop) …

Made ya look!

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Cheat Notes For the Attention Deficient @PingWiFi

June 29th, 2009 · Tags: Satire

Back in the newspaper days, it was a blast to write a headline — extremely limited space, yet the writer had to grab the reader’s attention.  Billboards in advertising … another example.

Then came Twitter.

It’s sort of like headline writing, with much less impact.  But it is fun — 140 characters at a time … limited space, yet no shortage of useless information.

And yes, there is a group of people who form their tweets in the form of a haiku.  Oh these word nerds!

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Moon Walk Tribute To Michael Jackson? ‘Uncanny, Ping, Uncanny!’

June 25th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Coffee Shops · Satire · Uncategorized

I’ll never forget where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news that Michael Jackson was dead.

No wait … I better write it down.

I was using Wi-Fi at Starbucks, as I am prone to do.

More specifically, I was trading e-mails with an attorney about trademark issues, and beating some dude from Portugal in Internet backgammon. Call me “Mr. Multi-tasker.”

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The Nitty Gritty On Namedropping — Wireless At Billy Bob’s

June 22nd, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities

As the crowd rose to leave the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert at Billy Bob’s mega-tonk in Fort Worth, this lady says: “That was the best concert ever … except for The Eagles.”

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Backstage At The Aftermath — Dehumidification And De-Evolution

June 20th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

Even though numerous eye witnesses said they spotted funnel clouds, there was a wait of several days. Finally … yes! … the weather service said it was official. At least five tornadoes reared their heads in North Texas the other day. Luckily, most of the damage was only flooding, as opposed to wholesale destruction.

So, I want to know just how they confirmed the tornadoes. Do the weather experts Tivo the video from weather satellites, then go back and review the call?  And, BTW, “eye witness” is a funny term.  Are their ear witnesses to really loud mishaps?  I wonder if anyone has ever testified as a nose witness, in events that caused a stink??? …

I digress …

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Rolling 7s At Dell Diamond, With Ryans — Texas Baseball Tourney

June 10th, 2009 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

Man … there is just something cool about Minor League Baseball parks. Intimate. Clean … no … immaculate! This evening, I am in the press box at Dell Diamond, in Round Rock,Texas — home of the Round Rock Express.

Typically, my “home” Minor League field is the home of the Fort Worth Cats — LaGrave. One of my other favorites is home to the Sacramento River Cats … I stopped in there on my 18,000-mile road trip, because they left the lights on … and it drew me in like moth to combustibles.

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