Merry Christmas From PingWi-Fi Wind Farm

December 24th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Satire · Wi-Fi

Did we make the annual holiday pilgrimage to The Cadillac Ranch and the PingWi-Fi Wind Farm? … Well duh!  Added bonus — snow was delivered right on schedule last night … er … after the “light display.”  Merry Christmas yo!

* No animals were harmed in the making of this video, much.  And please, do not try this at home.

‘Twitter Bowl’ Season Approaches For PingWi-Fi Coverage, Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Scores Great Speaker

December 17th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Sports

This just in on the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, from press release …

Double Duty Luncheon Speaker:
It is not often that a featured speaker at a meeting, conference and/or event will get to display his skills before a bigger setting, but Retired Sgt. First Class Dana Bowman will be handling those tasks this month at the 2009 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl.

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Tiger, Sign Your Score Card … As Detractors Come Out Of Woodworks

December 8th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Politics · Satire · Sports

Dating back to the time when I first began to interview celebrities, I always stuck with one rule. No autographs. I mean, if you are trying to get a celebrity to interact on a human level during an interview, why would you lower yourself and put them on a pedestal? Pretty much common sense …

Anyone who knows me, knows I love The Clash. Yet, when I interviewed punk rock star Joe Strummer — no autograph.

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Exploring Wi-Fi Frontier In Land Of Daniel Boone

December 3rd, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Satire · Wi-Fi

As a child, I was fortunate in that my generation, socially, was given the go ahead for boys to play with dolls. We called them action figures so it was okay to spend quality time on imaginary battlefields with GI Joe and all of his dismembered friends.

I was, however, unfortunate in that I realized my older brother was too darned old to have a plastic Daniel Boone action figure, and furthermore it was cruel and unusual that he stored it high atop an armoire, out of my reach.

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November 26th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Take A Tip From Stock Analyst — Wi-Fi Paradise

November 3rd, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

The job just keeps getting dirtier here in Louisville — on the disaster recovery front — flooding … muck … more flooding … blah, blah, blah.

I have been working for several months with a team of professionals who are restoring order in some flooded buildings in Louisville. It’s hard work and ever humbling … but until a new sponsor rolls in, it keeps me blogging and on the road.

As for the blog, I am always grateful for a good tips from the locals. Sometimes the tips come from the job site. Other times, they don’t. For instance the other day I asked one of the laborers if they could tell me more about this “world famous breakfast joint” in Louisville I had been hearing about.

“Ah Kent … I would have to say, I don’t know, I guess that’d be IHOP.”

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Most Rude Behavior Overcome With Wi-Fi In Sky

October 22nd, 2009 · Tags: Airports · Satire · Wi-Fi

Recently, I touched down ever so briefly in St. Louis, and looked forward to the characteristic smile/charm of a Southwest Airlines ticket agent — to get me on my way for the next leg of the journey. In fact, I was on my way to Media Day at Southwest Airlines headquarters in Dallas.

Then it happened …

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Broadband Air Stick Saves Face In Lieu Of Wi-Fi

October 20th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

The other day, on my Dirty Gigs warehouse stint I was faced with a difficult work situation. I had to train a laborer to use an upholstery cleaner. Guess what. I had never seen an upholstery cleaner before.

This moment, titled: “How to save face in the workforce.”

Well thanks be to the powers that be … I had my workhorse Dell laptop with me. So, I could just get on line and Google or Bing the manufacturer of the steamer.

Except … No Wi-Fi … I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, we were in a remote facility, out south of the The Louisville airport.

Ah yes … My friends at T-Mobile sent to me a handy dandy little Broadband solution for Internet emergencies such as this.

Well, I plugged in the device and unleashed the search engines.


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Dirty Jobs Put Food On The Table

October 10th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Satire

Have you seen the film “Saving Private Ryan?”

There is a scene where Tom Hanks and his infantry cohorts by the side of the road are digging through a stack of hundreds, if not thousands, of WWII dogtags … to determine if Private Ryan is already among the dead. The group realizes they are looking at the names of dead soldiers — lightheartedly — as a few survivors of the battle straggle on by. They realize how insensitive this is for the survivors who have lost friends and brothers in battle.

So they stop.

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PingWi-Fi Samples Art, Seeks Street Cred At St. James Court

October 6th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

This dirty job gig in Louisville has gone on so long, the place seems like home. I work 10-12 hours a day in the disaster recovery industry and then hit my favorite L-Ville coffee shop (Quills) … repeat.

But, luck of the draw, last weekend was my turn to take off a day. And how perfect is this? It was the final day of the St. James Court Arts Show in Old Louisville.

The festival is an annual tradition … always the first weekend in October. Fair warning: you have about 360 days to plan …

So, much like my dirty gig days, I was up before 6 a.m. and off toward the festival. But … “calm down sport” the event opened at 10 a.m. Perfect. The designated parking garage was at one of the finest hotels in the region … The Brown Hotel.

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