Ping Leaves Wi-Fi Behind For Holidays, Old Home Week

December 27th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Satire · Sports

Recently I noticed that a friend on Facebook encouraged (forced) her child to watch the real “True Grit” with the real cowboy, John Wayne, before the youngster would be allowed to see the remake of “True Grit.” While I am thinking about it, “Hey Hollywood, have you really run out of ideas … really?”

I digress …

But speaking of “True Grit” … Let’s play trivia … no wait … Jeopardy! I’ll take “Famous Lines” for $100. What did John Wayne call pretty much everyone else in the cast of that movie?

“What would be ‘Pilgrim?'”

Ding, ding, ding.

“Fill your hands” you sons-a-biotches … LOL.

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Ping Responsibly!

December 26th, 2010 · Tags: Arts

Cadillac Chillin

December 26th, 2010 · Tags: Arts

Ping Commandeers Tweets @SFMusicTech

December 12th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

Lucas Gonze, MOG, Thomas Meyers, Sonos Ty Roberts, Gracenote Geno Yoham, WinAmp

What is PingWi-Fi doing in the Japantown backstreets of San Francisco, attending the SF Music Tech seminar? Well as I told the group following along on Twitter during the morning sessions, “If any of us were real music people — A: We wouldn’t even be up this early in the morning, and B: If we were, we would all have on really dark shades.”

That drew a few RTs (retweets) from the MP3 Nation that day.

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49er Pings: Ups, Downs Of San Francisco Wi-Fi

December 5th, 2010 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

Driving into San Francisco headed north on the 101, after crossing the Bay on the 92W bridge from Hayward, Calif., I came across the storied Candlestick Park. The Stick — home of so many legends — Joe Montana, Steve Young, to name two of the most obvious examples from ’49ers lore. There are a Lott more …

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Wi-Fi & Photography … No ‘One-Trick Pony’ This PingWi-Fi

November 28th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

What did they call yesterday? Wasn’t it “Small Business Saturday” or something like that, a round two of shopping — wedged in between Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

By the way, I for one hate the term “Black Friday” when associated with the official retail beginning of the Christmas Holidays. I mean … the term Black Friday stems from a really negative dark day in history. Can’t we leave it at that? I digress …

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The REAL #88 To Make Reception For 2010 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl

November 26th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Sports

This just in from our friends at the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, which will be played this season in Dallas …

FORT WORTH – Dallas Cowboys great Drew Pearson will be the honored keynote speaker at the 2010 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Team Kickoff Luncheon, presented by Armed Forces Insurance and the Omni Fort Worth Hotel. The luncheon will honor the bowl’s competing teams and coaches and will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2010, the day before the annual postseason college football bowl game.

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Hot Wi-Fi On Cold Turkey Day — Happy Thanksgiving From PingWi-Fi

November 25th, 2010 · Tags: Wi-Fi

Every year for the Thanksgiving turkey, I fire up the smoker out on the balcony, well within the reach of the Wi-Fi hotspot here at the international headquarters of This year is no different, except that a cold front moved in around 6 a.m., plunging temperatures down from the 80s in Fort Worth yesterday … and well, to like low 40s now as I type under my shady umbrella.

Anywho …

I am thankful that I have a turkey, a smoker and my trusty PingWi-Fi connection. Party on turkey man, with your cold, cold buttocks.

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Final Thoughts On ‘Down In New Zealand” — Wi-Fi Wrap Up

November 5th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

In this the final installment of the Down In New Zealand series, I must start by getting several things off my chest.

First of all, New Zealand, you should seek new PR/marketing counsel! There are so many wonderful things and places — at least on the South Island where I toured — that I think you really can do better than all of the bestiality jokes. There are Sheep Shagger Lagers and the like and all kinds of tourist t-shirts everywhere, poking fun of that little old sheepherding thing. Really?

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“Gimmee Fuel, Gimmee Fire,” Give Me Blog Content I Desire

October 6th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Metallica Video

My Texas Tech football jersey never will be politically correct. At the time Coach Mike Leach elevated the Red Raiders to #2 in the country, there was that simpleton “Mike Leach System” cliché.

Before Mike Leach, with apologies to Coach Spike Dykes whom I really liked, no one had heard of Texas Tech.

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