Longing For Purpose Beyond Wi-Fi, PingWi-Fi Lets Hair Down

August 21st, 2011 · Tags: Arts · Politics · Satire · Wi-Fi

Sunset Grill

Sunset Grill

The PingWi-Fi entourage just touched down in Ontario, Calif., but before we start another West Coast Wi-Fi tour, there is some unfinished business … family business … “old home week” from a recent pilgrimage to the Texas Panhandle.

Each year I return to Vega, Texas for the Oldham County Roundup — world’s best barbecue, street dances, rodeo, softball and other small-town shenanigans … clean fun, pretty much.

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Up From The Grounds Comes A Bubblin Brew – Reactions?

August 3rd, 2011 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Satire · Wi-Fi

I am having coffee on the balc, as I do every morning of course … a rich blend of coffee, Wi-Fi … and some good tunes on my Flaming Lips Pandora channel.  (I get frustrated when Pandora plays some Beck song or The Smashing Pumpkins … you know … some song I just hate … but I am giving them a second chance.  Kudos for mixing in lots of Beatles and White Stripes, Band of Horses though … Got any Sparklehorse? I digress …)

Anywho …

Hey do you make coffee in a French press?

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Pinging The Potty Humor Can Be Quite Winning!

July 18th, 2011 · Tags: Arts · Satire

There is this meeting that I go to every Sunday, now going on 24 years. It’s a good group and has grown exponentially … even has a great monthly magazine now.

And in that magazine, the readers are asked to contribute interesting stories for the question of the month. Normally I just enjoy reading other people’s wit, shenanigans, true-life experiences, inspiration and the like. Until last month …

Last month I read the question of the month, and I really thought I had something for the readers.

The question was “What is the most unusual contest you have ever won?”.

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PingWi-Fi Branding For The Cause At The Caddys

July 14th, 2011 · Tags: Arts · Cities

I heard it might rain if you spray paint The Cadillac Ranch … Don’t say we aren’t doing our part to fight global warming, drought and the mundane:) What color is your Cadillac?

Hmmm … it is about time to pay The Cadillac Ranch another visit.  The big Oldham County BBQ Thang … Round Up … or “Ruined Up” as I sayz it, is coming up on the second Saturday in August.  That’s in Vega, just down the road, west of The C-Ranch.

Will we continue our tradition of camping out on The PingFarm? … Hope so … Better pack lots of water!  The music will flow and the fire will glow — provided the burn ban is lifted for the area.  One thing is assured … the dust will blow.  That’s why we call our annual PingFarm pilgrimage “The Blowing Man” festival … you know like Burning Man in the Nevada desert.

Know what I sayin?

PingWi-Fi’s Catch & Release Program For Social Media Tools … OR Sweets & Tweets For A Much Needed Chill Pill

July 7th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

I won’t lie. I am still upset in my stomach. I might have thrown up in the back of my mouth just a tiny bit (as the original PingWi-Fi PingWare shirt on this site proudly states … LOL).

I so-oooo dodged a bullet on July the Fourth. Walking down the street in sunny Delray Beach, Fla., my cool, ventilated mesh backpack unzipped on my back, by itself. Ever half a zipper malfunction? I could feel my equipment flopping against my back … somehow, differently. So I looked over at my reflection in the window of some seafood restaurant. OMG … the backpack was gaping like a widemouth bass, and my laptop was leaning toward the opening. I grabbed with one hand and starting taking the backpack strap from my shoulder with the other hand.

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Happy July Fourth … Two More Days Before The Wi-Fi Weekend!

July 6th, 2011 · Tags: Arts · Cities

We like Old Glory and photography just as much as Wi-Fi!  The next blog entry will detail how the Grinch almost stole our 4th of July photos … But somehow, the Nikon D7000 took a lickin and kept on clickin.  The PingWi-Fourth in Delray Beach, Fla., was filled with ocean waves, parades, fireworks, family, ice cream, sand, Wi-Fi ‘xplorin, cupcakes, swimming pools, kava, classic cars, good tunes, great food and lots of red, white and blue.


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PingWi-Fi: Off Task, Freakin Out At The Beach

July 3rd, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

Coconut Vendor, West Palm Beach

After two of us Ping clan types paired up for an early morning jaunt to Tampa, we whipped into a McDonalds in Delray Beach, Fla., and ordered coffee and a steaming cup of Wi-Fi to go. The hotspot, served up by AT&T, served us quickly and I had my daily fix of e-mails before I could say, “Just black please.”

AT&T and Micky D’s in D-Ray, hot hot hotspot and no one got burned — 6 pings.

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Swimming Is Winning – Fort Lauderdale Hall of Fame Has Wi-Fi

June 30th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

I love life’s little coincidences. For instance, I didn’t even know that there was an International Swimming Hall of Fame until I saw a sign near downtown Fort Lauderdale printed with “International Swimming Hall of Fame 3 miles.”

Did I mention the PingWi-Fi entourage jumped from The Dallas Mavericks World Championship celebration to South Florida for The Fourth of July? Well …

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It’s Triple Double In Der Big D — DirkDay Wishes!

June 19th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports

Der Dirk is 33 and MVP!

It truly is a wonderful day.  You probably know it is Juneteenth in Texas.  And across the States, dating back to 1910 in Seattle, we celebrate Father’s Day today.  Happy Father’s Day, by the way!  My day started with best wishes from a young German student over in The Fatherland.  If you read this blog, he was referred to earlier as my fellow “German from another Herman.”  But his name is Clemens.  What a great guy!  You may also remember Clemens taught me the German phrase “schlampen.”

Schlampen is, shall we say, not a flattering term nor a term of endearment.  I will demonstrate in a sentence: “Dirk Nowitzki made The Miami Heat his little ‘schlampen.'”  You get it now, right.

I digress …

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Different Set Of Xs & Os = Success For Dallas Mavs Blowout

June 17th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

The Cuban - Puts His $ Where His :) Is!

The Cuban - Puts His $ Where His 🙂 Is!

Congrats to The Dallas Mavericks and to The Cuban, Mark Cuban.  What a fun ride!  Let’s do it again next year but, hey, leave the singing to Queen, okay?

No one was more shocked than I at how excellent the crowd in Dallas behaved yesterday.  Hundreds of thousands of people came together in a miserably hot, sweltering day with little incident.  And me, the guy in the crowd who almost always attracts morons, was treated with kindness by everyone.  I love it when strangers strike up conversations … positive, intelligent ones.

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