Search Results for hotel

Houston Finale: Wi-Fi, Missing Skivvies & Hallway Buffet

August 16th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

Somewhere in Houston, there is a little old man, from some Third World country, running around the city in my underwear!`

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Is There No Balm In Goliad For My Soul … And My Redneck … And Wi-Fi?

July 24th, 2016 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels · Wi-Fi

“That’s right, ‘I AM’ from Texas,” to misquote a lyric from AggieLand’s Lyle Lovett … but even though I am from Texas, sorry to say I don’t like very much country music. But, there have been a few moments when country music has struck a chord … I remember several of my buddies and I […]

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Rode To Omaha VS. Road To Omaha … College World Series

June 26th, 2016 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

How far must I ride to get a win out of my alma mater Texas Tech in the College World Series? In 2014, I rode the new Triumph over from Columbia, Mo., not such a big deal, just 315 miles. This year, I caught the first game of the school’s second ever visit to the […]

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Aussie Takes A Spin On Cycle, After Spin Cycle

June 12th, 2016 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

There’s not much worse than hotel laundries for the traveler.  Seldom does anything positive come from there.  To summarize: Typically the machines are old and slow Typically the machines are full, but have stopped spinning sometime … yesterday Typically the owner of the non-spinning clothes has passed out after gorging on room service The sky’s […]

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Fasten Yo Seatbelts, Elevator Going U-u-u-u-u-up!

May 22nd, 2016 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Hotels · Satire

I must admit, the travel life can be pretty interesting … and on the other hand, sometimes it becomes mundane.  That’s when I try to find the good in all … or more accurately, just have fun with it. Take elevators.  Pretty mundane, but there’s got to be something interesting about them.  Don’t they call […]

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Wildflowers Dominate Wi-Fi Tour Of Galveston

May 21st, 2016 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

  Galveston … right smack dab in the semi-circle of muddy water that is the Gulf of Mexico.  But it’s also a wonderful place, memorialized in song by Glen Campbell, and for me it forever will be the place where the locals run to the ocean, not away from the ocean when severe storms roll […]

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Dancing Amidst Disaster With The Ping

May 8th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

The Dirty Gig takes PingWi-Fi to some unlikely places … some exotic places … some isolated places … and sometimes to the same place. It was only a year ago that The DG — “The Dirty Gig” — the disaster work that funds this road trip — stopped in Houston for flooding. We’re back!   […]

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“Occupy Texas” World Premiere Takes PingWi-Fi By Surprise

April 16th, 2016 · Tags: Arts · Cities

I walked into the theater with prejudice, ready to NOT LIKE the film “Occupy Texas.”  You see, as a rule of thumb, I walk into a theater knowing as little as possible about the film … my anti-spoilage mechanism … or ASM … I digress … So … When I heard “Occupy” was one of […]

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Angry Birds, Violent Felines, Catfood Surfing In Miami

March 30th, 2016 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Once again The Dirty Gig* provided a venue to keep a tradition alive.  A couple of years back, working in the housing projects of New York City, I shared with my inner city workers the magic of the tape ball — a fun little thing I picked up from a high school coach.  Well … […]

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Bike Week Part 2: Tip Your Bartender

March 19th, 2016 · Tags: Cities · Uncategorized

In the first Bike Week installment, I was remiss and didn’t mention any of the great music that helped me digest my 20+ hour ride from Texas … perhaps no sweeter morsel than when my iTunes shuffle kicked up “Trees” by Rush … just as I hit The Piney Woods of Texas.  Poetry, I say […]

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