Shhhh … Trying To Blog Here – Slaid Cleaves & Bass Hall Wi-Fi

November 3rd, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

Guess it doesn’t matter how long it took me to post a piece on Slaid Cleaves’ show at Fort Worth’s McDavid Studio. Because it seems, when I “discovered” him six or seven years ago, I was already way behind the curve. The folkster recently told a Fort Worth audience that he and a grade school buddy wrote his signature song “Broke Down,” but Cleaves recorded it first — some 12 years ago — and joked he had been “riding the glory ever since.” He’s been ’round.

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Wi-Fi @Southwestern Seminary & The Greatest Blog Ever Told

October 26th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities

At the end of ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls & The Bible” exhibit, there is a representation of Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall. And like the original, the pseudo wall allows visitors to write notes or prayers on paper and wedge the messages in between the stones.

Having been called a “Wi-Fi evangelist” many times, perhaps you can guess the subject of the tiny message I scribbled on a Post-It parchment and wadded into the display.

More on that later. About The Scrolls and their significance …

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TCU: Pump Up Wi-Fi, Lower The Jam … Great Game! Welcome!

October 21st, 2012 · Tags: Sports · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi



I was undecided whether or not I would blog anything about the Texas Tech win over my hometown team, TCU, yesterday a nail-biter before a homecoming crowd — the second largest crowd in TCU history — with 48K in the seats. The breakdown: about 32K in purple, another 15,999 in Raider red … and one XL PinkWi-Fi shirt representin.

What a game … 56-53 … a bargain at $61, I say!

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Wi-Fi, Retro Games, Ancient Volcano: A+ Roadtrip

October 20th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Uncategorized


Garden Of The Gods, Colo.

BTW, This blog was written inside a volcano … most of it anyway.

On the way to Colorado Springs, I sped on by the Capulin cone because the weather was a little sketchy. On the trip back to Texas, I could not resist. Hmmm … I have visited the dormant landmark before and “scaled” it’s circular ascent in an SUV. But this was my first visit on a motorcycle. Two wheels certainly add a different dynamic when circling and climbing the 8,000-feet phenom — on a two-lane road with no guardrails.

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Wi-Fi Soul Searchin – Religiously Mon, In Colorado Springs

October 17th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi


Manitou Springs

I was lamenting the fact that my motorcycle does not have a GPS unit as I did the traffic circle in Manitou Springs, Colo., not because I was lost, it is fairly straight forward … I mean as straight forward as a circle can be. It was just that I was missing the sound of the GPS voice and how funny it pronounces “roundabout.” Have you heard that? I digress …

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Wi-Fi Travels – Chasing Windmills Over High Plains

October 12th, 2012 · Tags: Cities


Faster than a failed administration, I was swept out of DC and sent back home to Texas. Oh there was a little sightseeing around the Capital, but I wanted more.

Then again it was great to be back at the PingWi-Fi oval office.

So what did we do?

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French Fried Wi-Fi: Dupont Circle To National Harbor

September 22nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

It’s been a weird week for PingWi-Fi on social media, but we keep on keeping on. On Twitter, I received a vague message from a college professor buddy of mine. Seemed legit. I clicked on the link and it requested that I log in on Twitter.

It should have said “sucker.” After all these years and warnings and thousands of hotspots … I too had been phished. But, in my defense, a college professor fell for it before me.

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Subway Sandwiches – The Ruin Of Many A Poor Boy

September 16th, 2012 · Tags: Satire


I was beginning to wonder if “The Dirty Gig” was ever going to give up another blog.

But it did … one of those I might also file under N … for blogs about nothing. The other day, my colleagues and I were having lunch in the office on-site at the most recent disaster job. (This time the Dirty Gig is cleanup at a document storage facility … not unlike the calamity that took us to New Zealand last year …)

To break the monotony and to drown out the loud crunching of Sun Chips, we set one of the computers on a classic rock Pandora music channel.

Just as one guy came in and sat down for lunch, Pandora played “The House Of The Rising Sun” by The Animals. You know it right …

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Wi-Fi Feels Right … Scientology and Tunnel Vision In DC, Baltimore

September 3rd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi


They say that to be a successful blogger you should continue to write and post even if you have nothing to say.

Sorry, I have not even had nothing to say.

… Been pretty busy at the Dirty Gig, seven days a week, long hours … blah, blah, blah … and I have added to my resume the skills required to coordinate shipping/logistics and freight trucking. … Which is pretty funny since I am the world’s worst at numbers and details — the majority of what I am doing at the job. Guess I won’t be giving up my “day job.”

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Wi-Fi Sing-Along At Wolf Trap With The Turtles, ETC.

August 21st, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities


The site had fallen, but now it is up. Here is a post we put up on Facebook while we waited to be rescued …

Anywho … what the heck. The ping goes on. So, today, let’s talk music … “I’ll take ‘Vintage Rock ‘n’ Roll Sing-alongs” for 100, please.”

If the gameshow Jeopardy had a category called “Rock Songs With Etc.,” I think Alex Trebek and friends would be hard pressed to list more than two songs in answer form …

So, how ironic that my travels to the Washington DC area did just that, detecting two E-T-C-s. Just before the PingWi-Fi site went down, I posted a review of an all-time favorite band — Wilco. I noted that one of their best songs was a highlight of the show – “Jesus, Etc.”

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