Wi-Fi Timer Ticking At Orange Biggby In Green Spartan Land

September 21st, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi


Biggby Store

Well, I have done Michigan, getting my wolverine on in Ann Arbor, so for equal time, seems only right that I call on The Spartans of Michigan State (Lansing) today.


Right off the bat, I have to say that the Spartans have one of, if not the coolest logos, in college football, just this side of Marvin the Martian. Kidding, love the Spartan icon.

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Pinging Upper Peninsula – Michigan Trip Down Memory Lane

September 16th, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi


MICH Charlevoix


I’ve always been curious, and I always thought I would see the world, or a major part of it. But from my earliest memories, I had no clue how to accomplish that. For a time, I settled for letting the world come to me, so to speak.


Like my buddies, I am sure, I always tried to learn whatever I could about the outside world from the people who moved to or passed through our little farming/ranching outpost near the New Mexico Border.


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More Michigan Wi-Fi Meandering, Motown To MoMo

September 8th, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Sports · Wi-Fi

MICH Motown Words

Driving in and around Warren, Michigan, Bloomfield Hills, Beverly Hills, Oak Grove, Royal Oak … marveling at how lush and green the grass is in this place. Driving by the golf courses, i am thinking it is a wonder golf wasn’t invented here. Immaculate. Plenty of forestation in this glove-shaped, land swatch between several Great Lakes. So humid. A few of the leaves are blowing off … No color changes in the trees yet. Wait a week or so. The shadows, however, are fall-like. The shadows are long, and subconsciously you know the sun has moved and soon the warm weather will follow it. This place will become a deep freeze. Everyone knows it … and they are embracing the pleasant sunshine today, en masse.

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Blogging: Politics To Poo … Labor Of Love In Motor City

September 1st, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Satire


Hitsville Ping

It’s Labor Day and I am sitting just beyond the shadows of multi-story skyscrapers of Detroit — their outer walls adorned with the names and logos of car companies, like so many decorative hood ornaments on a grille.


Earlier this morning on my way to Bell Island, just off the shoreline of this once booming city, and then on to Motown in the heart of Detroit, I motored by the offices of the UAW. Motor City. (Cool logo, by the way, for the United Auto Workers union, with workers icons lining the perimeter of a huge circle, emulating the spokes of a wheel … or at least that is my interpretation … I digress.)

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Wi-Fi Blogger Awakes From Hibernation … The Ride Home

August 30th, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi



At some point in my childhood, viewing the world through National Geographic, I learned about bears storing up calories and body fat before they winter in a cave — only to come out lean and even more mean when hibernation is over.


For me … just the opposite.


I spent a couple of months underground on The Dirty Gig in Columbia, Mo. and still bare the extra tonnage — a combination of doing most of my lifting with a fork and/or a forklift … oh and that little ice cream three times a day habit that I acquired in Mizzou.

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Wi-Fi Down At The Triumph Grill … STL Beyond The Arch

July 6th, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi


I have never been to a biker bar per se — excluding one of the incarnations of Main Street Saloon in Lubbock — well … because I am merely a motorcycle nut. Big difference.


Regardless, when I heard about a little bar and grill dedicated to bikes — called Triumph — over in St. Louis, I had to get over the bike and on over to Arch City. PingWi-Fi featured St. Lou back in 2010, but there is always room for more exploration.

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He Put Amarillo On The Map – Cadillac Curator Is Gone

June 18th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

I was 21 and had talked my way into an interview with the college newspaper because I had earned some stripes at a few hundred rock concerts — and I was savvy enough to dress up a little with a corduroy blazer for the interview (even though the boss was another college student).


Somehow, I was given the job as an entertainment/features writer.

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Edward Sharpe, Magnetic 0s Play Whilst I Go Home & Crash

June 17th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

SHARPE Sepia Portrait sized

One look at the map and you see why Edward Sharpe &The Magnetic Zeros played Columbia, Missouri — a college town — on a school night. Smack dab between the larger venues in Kansas City and St. Louis, the Mizzou crowd gets some great acts on off nights.

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Texas Tech College World Series #1 … #WreckEm

June 16th, 2014 · Tags: Uncategorized

Wi-Fi – Holding Together The Fabric Of Our Lives – LOL

June 12th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi


QUILT PADU Chief sized

You know how you when you “discover” something new, and then you see it everywhere around you?


Well … I have known about quilts all my life, and I even have one friend obsessed with the art. But, I had no idea anyone cared enough for there to be a quilt museum. Silly me.

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