Search Results for hotel

Las Vegas, Cinco de Mayo – Safe Piercing Convention

August 24th, 2008 · Tags:

Posted by: wifiguy on 05/05/2004 23:01:18 The Wi-Fi Guy tour made the drive from Los Angeles to Vegas for two things … Wi-Fi and to attend The Safe Piercing Convention. I can’t remember which came first … my silly decision to call the rating system “X body piercings out of a 7 possible body piercings […]

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August 24th, 2008 · Tags:

What is Wi-Fi? Many say it is an abbreviation for wireless fidelity. Other’s say that is nonsense, that the word only mimics Hi-Fi (or high fidelity) in appearance. Thoughts? In lay terms, Wi-Fi is the technology that allows the laptop nation to camp out, hours on end, working on line at the coffee shop. Our […]

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Even Cellists Gotta Let Go Sometimes

August 24th, 2008 · Tags:

A quick business trip to Chicago conjured up memories of my Wi-Fi Guy trip and travel blog from a few years back. (I drove, explored, blogged and complained about Wi-Fi or the lack of …Long story …) Anyway, during this trip there was a little extra time to kick around, so I went on a […]

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A Benchmark Survey of Wi-Fi

August 24th, 2008 · Tags:

Circa 2004: A Benchmark Sample Much has changed since we first beat the streets in search of the perfect Wi-Fi hotspot a few years ago, but all good research starts with a benchmark. Here is a sample of what we found back in the day. Atlanta Rating: 6 of 7 Places Visited: CNN, Moe’s, Joe […]

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The Wi-Fi Guy Archive

August 10th, 2008 · Tags:

There Are No Accidents “You like me, you really like me.” — Sally Field, as she accepted The Oscar in 1984, finally recognized for her acting, among her peers. I can’t stand Sally Field, but a good line is a good line. Her words came to mind, when I took a call from T-Mobile’s Wi-Fi […]

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