Joy Toy The World … Gadgets Before Wi-Fi

December 23rd, 2015 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

Christmas Lights

After the recent change of address for the world headquarters of, the first thing I did was set up the Wi-Fi hotspot, of course. Then I contacted The Vega Enterprise editor, “The Q,” to request an address change for my subscription to the hometown paper — a news gathering organization dating back to 1948.


For the record, you would be surprised at the adrenalized content of the Vega paper. In addition to all the community news and local politics and school news — the lifeblood of a farming community — there is some pretty hard-hitting stuff in the form of the sheriff’s column. You may know, Vega is on what was once Old Route 66 — now the modern Interstate 40 — the busiest highway in the nation, running coast-to-coast. The firsthand accounts of murder suspects apprehended, kidnappings, cartel drug trafficking, first responders and such rival any TV cop drama. No, the juicy headlines don’t originate in Vega, but they pass through our county on the way from California to the East Coast or vice versa … You cannot believe some of the chase scenes and helicopter surveillance stories and canine patrols the area law enforcement officers perform routinely.

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Merry Christmas – Get Ready For Bowl Games on PingWi-Fi

December 19th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities


PingWi-Fi Turns Up Heat On New Neighborhood

November 20th, 2015 · Tags: Gadgets · Wi-Fi

ecobee photo

zzzzzzzz … brrrrrrrrr


Each day PingWi-Fi does a “PingForADay” tweet on Twitter — citing the most unique, funny, helpful or bizarre item about wireless Internet that we can find in the news. PingForADay has touted Wi-Fi coffee makers, Wi-Fi printers, speakers, clocks, a Barbie doll, meat smokers, cars, trains … what have you. Several times we have mentioned the Wi-Fi thermostat, but never really paid it much attention … Then I got one when it came attached to the new worldwide headquarters of PingWi-Fi. Stay with me …


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Wi-Fi Hall Of Fame … I Got Your Back At Starbucks

November 6th, 2015 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Sports · Wi-Fi

Troy's Back

Troy’s Back In Town

Years ago, I started blogging about Wi-Fi because strangers would approach me in the coffee shop and ask me how my computer was on line … keep in mind that was 2003.  Wi-Fi was not ubiquitous then as it is now.  Do you know anyone who doesn’t use Wi-Fi?
You see people of all ages, all professions, all creeds, whipping out their laptops or smart phones to socialize or compartmentalize or whatever … anywhere there is caffeine.
Frankly, Wi-Fi in the coffee shop just isn’t as interesting as it once was.  However … every once in a while, fate throws a hail Mary my way, and there is a little story to tell.

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Pinging ‘Powerhouse That Shouldn’t Be’ – 60 Minutes

September 24th, 2015 · Tags: Sports

A throwback to when journalism mattered, 60 Minutes began on CBS, this day, 1968. Here is a salute featuring the best episode we know, a piece by CBS News Anchorman Scott Pelley, a Texas Tech graduate.

Know what I sayin?

Reminiscing Our First Ping Of New Orleans With Mickey

September 16th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities


We were in New Orleans for the last half of our honeymoon, walking through the French Quarter from our hotel. We had picked an old, picturesque, legendary New Orleans hotel, with a swimming pool on the roof.

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Are You Ready For Some Binge-Watch Football?

August 27th, 2015 · Tags: Arts


DIFF142 Plemons sized

Jesse Plemons – “Landry” … front man of Crucifictorious:)

Ha … ever in search of something binge-watch worthy, I finally took on “Friday Night Lights,” after hearing it’s praises forever. Pleasantly surprised. Just started Season 4 … (spoiler) … it’s like a Tale of Two Cities … just when I was growing accustomed to the “Haves,” now we’re focusing on the “Have Nots” — much more interesting.

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Driving Ping Crazy … Wi-Fi Road Warriorness

August 25th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Satire

THAI Legs Tuk Tuk

One of the most alarming statistics of this society is the lack of two-parent homes. I won’t get into the demographics of who’s who, race, gender, etc. … suffice to say, someone in the home is not teaching people how to drive. Being outspoken most of the time and on the road all the time, I often offer free, unsolicited advice to these mobile misfits. … Always willing to generously pass on some knowledge … one-on-one in traffic, complete with hand gestures, if that’s what it takes.

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Meteors & Motorcycles … The Night I Met Sasquatch

August 18th, 2015 · Tags: Satire · Wi-Fi

If the 2015 Perseid meteor shower could only be viewed around 3 a.m. Texas time, there was a good chance that I would never see it — unless I replayed the video from the security cameras to catch it. Too late for my blood on “a school night.” But … forever the optimist, the other night I decided to take a night ride on the Triumph, out west of Fort Worth … away from the city lights to see.

You never know, there could be a few premature shooting stars.

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Wi-Fi Takes Backseat To ‘Back In The Day’ – Round Up 2015

August 11th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

VEGA Roundup BBQ


Before there was Wi-Fi — long before — there was The Oldham Country Round Up in Vega, Texas on Old Route 66. “Vegaville” — a place where authentic cowboys, hard-working farmers and resolute merchants and their families take a day off once a year to get together and celebrate community … planning the future, enjoying the present and talking about the good times passed.

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