Search Results for hotel

Winston-Salem Trade Street — All American Wi-Fi & More

July 29th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

Although my first taste of Winston-Salem was somewhat of a walk on the wild side, my second take was all apple pie. Leaving the Hells Angels back at the hotel to do what they do, I stumbled upon Trade Street in the downtown area of the twin cities. Very cool. There are several art galleries, […]

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PingWi-Fi Lights Up With Angels In Cig City

July 26th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

So, what does one say to a Hells Angel? Yes. No kidding. I got on the elevator after work today, in Winston-Salem, N.C., and there were two gentlemen sporting black leather vests with one of the most recognized icon’s in the world, the Hells Angels logo. (I believe these two were from Nebraska.) I am […]

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‘This Is A Public Service Announcement’ … Clash Rehash

July 9th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Sweet. Someone found The Clash interview on this site, and they also dug through the archive and found a group photo of the band on the tour bus. The links were then posted on a Clash forum called If Music Could Talk — Very cool. Best of all, their readers hit We crave […]

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Mile-High Wi-Fi, Connectivy On The Go, For Peanuts Yo

April 21st, 2009 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

If you search for the hashtag Wi-Fi (#wi-fi) on Twitter, you may be surprised at the number of peeps whose lives apparently revolve around Wi-Fi access. Seems perfectly normal to me … LOL

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JiWire — Yes, There Is Money In Wi-Fi, Representin!

April 8th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Wi-Fi

So … like is Wi-Fi the savior of business as we know it.  Who knows, although you can prolly guess where I stand on the issue. What was it the media called me back in 2004 … ah yes … “Wi-Fi Evangelist” and my favorite, “A Digital Kerouac” … good stuff. Another fond memory — […]

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PingWi-Fi Locates Wi-Fi, ‘Distant Relative’ In Waterlogged Fargo

March 30th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

It wasn’t until my travels took me all the way to Fargo, N.D., that I encountered this phenomena.  I have read about it, and seen corporate news releases that warned it was going to happen.  Yes … in Fargo, I encountered two Starbucks that were out of business

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SXSW Festival Serves Wi-Fi, Live Appearances

March 17th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

This morning on Austin’s FM 107, I heard that David (daVEED) Garza was playing live in the lobby of The Four Seasons hotel.  Rats … got there too late.  But, I got to see another Austin favorite perform,  Bob Schneider. (Got the last of the breakfasts burritos, too, I might add.)

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SXSWi-Fi Break — Keep Austin Weird-Fi

March 14th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Austin is way too cool to sit in a room full of bloggers (for very long), so I slipped away to go “Keep Austin Weird” in my own way.  As you well know, 6th Street is the place to be (although there are some pretty cool things popping up on South Congress …).  And, overlooking […]

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The King & Wi-Fi: Fast Food, Fast Connection

March 7th, 2009 · Tags: Restaurant · Satire · Wi-Fi

Don’t tell me there is nothing new in Wi-Fi.  Today in Exton, Penn., I encountered the wireless wonder at a Subway and at The King’s place too. (So is Jared a computer geek, in addition to being a dork?)  I am sure there are lots of SWs and BKs that have W-F, but I ain’t […]

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PingWi-Fi: “How’s Everything Tasting?” From A Wi-Fi Perspective

March 7th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Satire · Wi-Fi

As I prepare for the twice-a-year confusion/ritual known as Daylight Saving Time — how in the world is “spring forward” supposed to help me? — I am checking out Wi-Fi at hotel chain that is new to me. Comfort Suites. in Exton, Penn.  Suites, inns … lots of hotel chains are lumped together in my […]

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