LA Tech Prevails In Armed Forces Bowl: Shootout Of The Year

December 23rd, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

A cloudy Fort Worth sky prevented the pre-game fly over at The 2016 Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl.  There wasn’t an air-raid offense in sight, per se.  But the bowl matchup still set a new record for points with 93 cumulative — 48 of those tallied by Louisiana Tech in a three-point win over Navy, with a walk off field goal.

LA Tech set tone early, with Carlo Henderson’s 86-yard return of the opening kickoff, setting up the game’s first score, 7-0, with 13:35 remaining in the first quarter.  Navy followed up with a fumble at the LA Tech 48 yard line on its second play from scrimmage, shifting all momentum to the Bulldogs. LA Tech answered with its second score, a 22-yard field goal by Jonathan Barnes, 10-zip.  On their ensuing possession, Navy moved the ball only seven yards on three plays before punting and it looked as if it could be a long day for The Midshipmen.

Forget that. On the next series, the Navy defense took control, sacking LA Tech quarterback Ryan Higgins for a seven-yard loss.  After three and out, Navy fielded the Bulldog punt at their own 45, with 6:50 left in the first quarter.


Game Photos




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Merry Christmas From PingWi-Fi!

December 20th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

‘I Am, High Tide’ … Is That The Correct Neil Diamond Lyric?

December 8th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

Via the magic of Wi-Fi, a promotional calendar for Dallas/Fort Worth music events just popped up in my e-mail, so I opened it to see what’s on tap for the holidays.

Up popped Neil Diamond and a blurb about his 50th Anniversary Tour … Ha … a vision of “cougars” on the prowl danced in my head. (The show is not until July … So I hope I can “un-see” those images by then.)

Neil Diamond — an interesting case — in my mind an artist whose music I kinda hate … IMHO just too crooning-mellow-romantic-introspective for my tastes. Howeva … howeva … there was a time when Neil was a rocker. Did you know this? Another sad turn of events, kind of like the BeeGees making good music before they overdosed on Disco … I digress-es-es …

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Blog About Nothing — No Evolution In Deer-ly Departed

November 10th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

In my PR life, I was working at the hottest high-tech firm in the country, just before the bust … and one of my favorite bosses of all times, thought I was some sort of animal … actually a couple of animals.  First she complimented me and said that I was a “media hound,”  a good thing for clients because earned media (media coverage) arguably adds credibility to a marketing mix.  Ha.  She also called me a “deer in headlights” when it came to billing the client for every minute of my day, and launching “best practices” which actually did little more for the client than run up their bill.  I take both as compliments … I digress …

And speaking of deer in said headlights …

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PingWi-Fi’s Dirty Gig Sails Again!

October 16th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized




One hundred feet below, the emerald waves pounded the shore, one after another after another.  Relentless. Sqawking seagulls circled around me, and the tall mast rocked in the wind.  A low-gliding “V” of pelican bombers dove down, descending in a smooth formation, just over the waves in the distance.  When the gusts flexed their muscle, the platform atop the mast swayed as much as eight feet to either side as I took the knife from my teeth … holding on and struggling to cut away the white fabric, reducing the effect of the strong winds of The Atlantic.

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#PingForADay … The Best from Twittersville

September 5th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

We’re Not Fans Of Spam!

August 27th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

Houston Finale: Wi-Fi, Missing Skivvies & Hallway Buffet

August 16th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized

Somewhere in Houston, there is a little old man, from some Third World country, running around the city in my underwear!`

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Trouble Brewing At Bux, Barista Stirs The Pot

August 15th, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized



Rendering, not Facebook Live:)

Rendering, not Facebook Live:)

I posted this on PingWi-Fi after giving Starbucks time to respond and hopefully to remedy the situation.

In Starbucks across the entire United States I have seen many a satisfied customer fall asleep over a good book.  I think most people find that funny but somewhat sociably acceptable.  Ha … I refer to it as “the fine art of public sleeping” — or the FAOPS.

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They Say The Wi-Fi Does Not Capture Gold

August 2nd, 2016 · Tags: Uncategorized