Search Results for hotel

Ping Commandeers Tweets @SFMusicTech

December 12th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

What is PingWi-Fi doing in the Japantown backstreets of San Francisco, attending the SF Music Tech seminar? Well as I told the group following along on Twitter during the morning sessions, “If any of us were real music people — A: We wouldn’t even be up this early in the morning, and B: If we […]

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The REAL #88 To Make Reception For 2010 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl

November 26th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Sports

This just in from our friends at the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, which will be played this season in Dallas … FORT WORTH – Dallas Cowboys great Drew Pearson will be the honored keynote speaker at the 2010 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Team Kickoff Luncheon, presented by Armed Forces Insurance and the Omni […]

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Final Thoughts On ‘Down In New Zealand” — Wi-Fi Wrap Up

November 5th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

In this the final installment of the Down In New Zealand series, I must start by getting several things off my chest. First of all, New Zealand, you should seek new PR/marketing counsel! There are so many wonderful things and places — at least on the South Island where I toured — that I think […]

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“Gimmee Fuel, Gimmee Fire,” Give Me Blog Content I Desire

October 6th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Metallica Video My Texas Tech football jersey never will be politically correct. At the time Coach Mike Leach elevated the Red Raiders to #2 in the country, there was that simpleton “Mike Leach System” cliché. Before Mike Leach, with apologies to Coach Spike Dykes whom I really liked, no one had heard of Texas Tech.

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On Top Of My Game In New Zealand Wi-Fi Search

September 28th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

After surviving the torturous flight and the airport interrogation, we threw our bags into a Kiwi version of a Toyota — yes with the steering wheel on the right side of the car — and headed into Christchurch. Cool little city — “The Garden City” as it is known. We saw some signs of earthquake […]

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Highrise Wi-Fi: PingWi-Fi PingThing From Omnipresent Hotspot

September 6th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels

Typically when I review a Wi-Fi hotspot, it is a solo act … I mean, it would have been quite difficult to take the PingWi-Fi gypsy caravan entourage on the PWF tour, which now includes 47 states, 65 cities, 30,000 miles, hundreds of Wi-Fi hotspots and several cups of coffee. So … my one goal […]

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Wi-Fi Enchantment — Pinging Taos Pueblo And Its Peeps

August 19th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

“Are you an Indian?” Let me start by saying I have the greatest respect for Native American peoples — both for their enduring the invasion of their homeland, and for their ability to take dusty reservation land and turn it into ski resorts, billion-dollar casinos, oil/gas well bonanzas, art and more … I get all […]

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Pinging USA Stadium — Internet Baseball, Worldwide Ya’ll

July 26th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Wi-Fi

The idea for my first blog, The Wi-Fi Guy back in 2002 or so, came to me when strangers continually approached me in Starbucks and asked how in the world my laptop was on-line — there among the coffee grounds and the pseudo intellectuals. Now I have a new icebreaker. Not since the infancy of […]

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Ain’t No Wi-Fi Within These City Limits — Pinging Nutbush

July 17th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

Back in my newspaper days, occasionally the editor would give me “Man on the Street” interview assignments. “Great! Where can you find 20 people who have enough spare time to comment on celebrity gossip, trade embargoes or a new strain of e-coli?” The first time I manned up on the street, it took me about […]

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Wi-Fi & The 2-Wheeled Impulse Buy: More Memphis Pings

June 13th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Well, I made it through Memphis In May and lived to tell about it – if only I had a little time to tell about it … Been way busy with my Dirty Gig (cleaning up flood damage). Ha … By what I hear on local media, it really is somewhat of a feat to […]

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