Entries Tagged as 'Wi-Fi'

Blogging About My ‘Drury Existence’ – Kansas City & Wi-Fi

February 4th, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

  Finally, a day off from The Dirty Gig, because we are “snowed out.” … This time the PingWi-Fi tour stops in “The Cities” — Kansas City, Kan. and Kansas City, Mo. … time to shoot photos, test Wi-Fi, blog, listen to music…   I am reeling at just how well Apple iTunes Radio knows […]

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UNT Green Meanies Jazz UNLV In Heart Of Dallas Bowl, 36-14

January 2nd, 2014 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

  What a great return to bowlsville for the Mean Green of The University of North Texas as they took ESPN’s Heart of Dallas Bowl 36-14 over the University of Nevada – Las Vegas! As proclaimed at the post-game trophy presentation, the Eagles say this is “just the beginning.”     Although perfectly sportsmanlike, polite […]

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Wi-Fi Guy Is Not ‘With Wi-Fi’ – Tweeting HOD Bowl Anyway

January 1st, 2014 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

Oh no you dint! The Heart of Dallas Bowl has placed “The Wi-Fi Guy” in the press box where there is no Wi-Fi.  AWK-WARD.  So, we are hardwired.  Ha! I could barely remember how to get on an ethernet network … I mean it has only been about 10 years since I went totally wireless. […]

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Comparing Mids/Middies, PingWF Returns To Tweet #BellAFB

December 31st, 2013 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

  For the PingWi-Fi team, The Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl has always been a show of firepower, no military pun intended. Our first BHAFB featured progressive coach Kevin Sumlin, his quarterbacks whisperer Kliff Kingsbury and a young Case Keenum (24 of 41 that day … and a quick kick, we might add). That games […]

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Hit The Road Mack: Mentor Of All We’re Against … Hook ’em?

December 29th, 2013 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

    On the eve of Mack Brown’s parting ways with The University of Texas Longhorns — at least in the role of football czar for the burnt orange horde, I am compelled to say a little something.   First … the odds makers think The Oregon Ducks will turn Brown’s Horns upside down to […]

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Kicking Off Season – WSU vs CSU in Gildan New Mexico Bowl

December 19th, 2013 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

Tomorrow is the big day – a press conference marking the beginning of PingWi-Fi bowl season, the “most bestest” time of the year. This year we start early, with the first of all the bowls – The Gildan New Mexico Bowl in Albuquerque on Saturday (Dec. 21). Toward the end of December, we will also […]

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Christmas Family Tradition – A Blog About Sweet Nothing

December 11th, 2013 · Tags: Satire · Wi-Fi

  Always on the road, the cell phone has become my alarm clock. And on those rare mornings when I actually sleep until the alarm sounds, I grab the phone to shut it off and go straight into e-mails and Facebook updates. Usually, it is a great, positive way to start the day, albeit horizontal. […]

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Just How High Can Wi-Fi Fly?

November 7th, 2013 · Tags: Airports · Wi-Fi

Ha.  It’s about time.  Inflight Wi-Fi is all over the news and it is the subject of more and more airline ads.  Glad they finally got on board, wholeheartedly.  We’ve been evangelizing since, what, 2003?  Regardless, good times!  Nothing better than getting some work done on the computer at 30,000 feet and doing the important […]

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Coffee Breaking, Bad Ass IS Open For Wi-Fi

October 25th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

I’ve had my good eye on Bad Ass Coffee and another shop since I arrived in Dillon a couple of months back.  At first glance, I thought B@ had closed down, because it is not the only business in a small office building.  And, it is not the business you see from the main street […]

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Hellgate Trading Post AKA Missoula – Gets W in Wi-Fi Column

October 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

There is something about a college town. There’s the Saturday football craziness, there is the cultural awareness and the arts … and there is an appreciation for whatever is trending. For me, it’s Wi-Fi that is trending, so when I headed to Missoula, Mont. — home of uMont, The University of Montana I expected plenty. […]

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