Entries Tagged as 'Wi-Fi'

Wi-Fi Hall Of Fame … I Got Your Back At Starbucks

November 6th, 2015 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Sports · Wi-Fi

Years ago, I started blogging about Wi-Fi because strangers would approach me in the coffee shop and ask me how my computer was on line … keep in mind that was 2003.  Wi-Fi was not ubiquitous then as it is now.  Do you know anyone who doesn’t use Wi-Fi? You see people of all ages, […]

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Meteors & Motorcycles … The Night I Met Sasquatch

August 18th, 2015 · Tags: Satire · Wi-Fi

If the 2015 Perseid meteor shower could only be viewed around 3 a.m. Texas time, there was a good chance that I would never see it — unless I replayed the video from the security cameras to catch it. Too late for my blood on “a school night.” But … forever the optimist, the other […]

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Wi-Fi Takes Backseat To ‘Back In The Day’ – Round Up 2015

August 11th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

  Before there was Wi-Fi — long before — there was The Oldham Country Round Up in Vega, Texas on Old Route 66. “Vegaville” — a place where authentic cowboys, hard-working farmers and resolute merchants and their families take a day off once a year to get together and celebrate community … planning the future, […]

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In 3Q Reports, Wi-Fi Spread Thin On Dirty Gig

June 11th, 2015 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

What did people “not hang” their clothes on in hotels, before the invention of the fire sprinkler in rooms? Ponder that while I give the 3Q report … my findings from three La Quinta hotels in rapid succession.  As you may have read, first the Dirty Gig took me to some coastal flooding hotspots near […]

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Enchanted, Off The Grid In Texas Hill Country

May 5th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

  A weekend trip to Austin took the PingWi-Fi guy off the grid and back to nature … at times.  Perhaps the highlight — witnessing a pretty acrobatic birds-n-bees thing at Zilker Park.  No. Not hippies nor hipsters.  Not what you think.  I was cruising through the park on the  Triumph Thunderbird when I spied […]

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2015 Dallas International Film Festival – April 9-19 … Ping!

April 12th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  One of the first events I covered in a blog was a film festival. It had Wi-Fi, so I knew I was on to something. There have been a few since. Film festivals never disappoint. … So fun to shoot photographs of and interact with the experts who create the most poignant, artsy and […]

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No Wi-Fi, Limited Pie, But A Family-Style Tale From Furr’s

April 2nd, 2015 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

It was my nice, kindly gentleman uncle, on my father’s side of the family, who first introduced me to Luby’s cafeteria on one of my first trips to the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.   “Sorry sir. Thanks for lunch … but Luby’s just isn’t Furr’s,” (I thought to myself).   Ha … that was more than […]

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Wi-Fi, Dirty Gig & Unorthodox View of Shreveport

March 30th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

    Amazing, the way people drive between Fort Worth, Texas and Shreveport, La. I suppose if you are going to drive that far to lose money in a smoky casino, you better get there ASAP, right?:) As for me, I kept it pretty much within the legal limits, as I headed out to make […]

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Kickin It Down The Cobblestones — Medicine Park Wi-Fi

February 27th, 2015 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

  When I reviewed the 2014 Triumph Thunderbird a few months back on the ride from Fort Worth to Columbia, Mo., one of my criticism was about the bike’s stealth. It hardly makes any noise, and anyone can tell you “loud pipes save lives” for motorcyclists.   But the silence has grown on me. It’s […]

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Heap Big Wi-Fi Among Chickasaw In Sulphur, Okla.

February 17th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Remember the scenes in old westerns in which the “Indians” refused to be photographed because they believed the camera might steal their souls?  Well, me and my Nikon don’t subscribe to that theory … and yet …

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