Entries Tagged as 'Wi-Fi'

In Wi-Fi Travel, One Must Never Assume

August 21st, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Sorry it has taken so long to post a new blog, and also, how absent-minded of me to leave up the download Ode to PotTAY. Apologies. My Dirty Gig adventure continues, having just finished a two-week stint in a building nearly destroyed by fire. Just a few days ago I left Winston-Salem, where I met […]

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Winston-Salem Trade Street — All American Wi-Fi & More

July 29th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

Although my first taste of Winston-Salem was somewhat of a walk on the wild side, my second take was all apple pie. Leaving the Hells Angels back at the hotel to do what they do, I stumbled upon Trade Street in the downtown area of the twin cities. Very cool. There are several art galleries, […]

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PingWi-Fi Lights Up With Angels In Cig City

July 26th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

So, what does one say to a Hells Angel? Yes. No kidding. I got on the elevator after work today, in Winston-Salem, N.C., and there were two gentlemen sporting black leather vests with one of the most recognized icon’s in the world, the Hells Angels logo. (I believe these two were from Nebraska.) I am […]

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Backstage At The Aftermath — Dehumidification And De-Evolution

June 20th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

Even though numerous eye witnesses said they spotted funnel clouds, there was a wait of several days. Finally … yes! … the weather service said it was official. At least five tornadoes reared their heads in North Texas the other day. Luckily, most of the damage was only flooding, as opposed to wholesale destruction. So, […]

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Rolling 7s At Dell Diamond, With Ryans — Texas Baseball Tourney

June 10th, 2009 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

Man … there is just something cool about Minor League Baseball parks. Intimate. Clean … no … immaculate! This evening, I am in the press box at Dell Diamond, in Round Rock,Texas — home of the Round Rock Express. Typically, my “home” Minor League field is the home of the Fort Worth Cats — LaGrave. […]

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AT&T, CruiseCast Upgrade All Roadtrips With Sat TV On The Go

June 3rd, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

Roadtrips just got a lot better.  Gone are the days when you may have used a bungee chord to tie down a small TV and a DVD player on a beer cooler in the back of the family truckster, for the kids to occupy they minds. CruiseCast released this news:

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PingWi-Fi Pulls Out New Stick For Play At Colonial Golf Tourney

May 31st, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Sports · Wi-Fi

Well … I am almost sad to say I have finished another ‘dirty jobs’ assignment, and have moved on to what can only be described as a sweet gig. Today I am circling the course — including all of the highly populated watering holes — at Fort Worth’s Colonial Country Club, for the Crowne Plaza […]

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Dudes With No Degrees Take Journalism Grad To The Turf

May 20th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports · Wi-Fi

Both of my readers may have noticed that the blog posts are few/far between lately. My bad! I am supplementing the blog with more “Dirty Jobs” type work. Man, sometimes I think it may have been easier if I had chosen “Shark Week” rather than Dirty Jobs in order to emulate a TV phenom. This […]

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Blogging: Hardhat Dirty Jobs To Country Club Living

May 13th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Hotels · Wi-Fi

I was looking for some inspiration, when along came Devo. WOXY, an Internet radio station I frequent, is now playing “Whip It.”  “Crack that whip” … now that’s inspiration in its truest form. (For newcomers, fyi, there is an interview of Devo’s frontman Mark Mothersbaugh on this site.) Today — no stories of Wi-Fi … […]

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Turned On: Dead Man Wi-Fi-ing At Bass Hall

May 1st, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

‘Turn Me On Dead Man’ Ever hear that phrase? Back in the day, when the Beatles took a break from experimental drugs, they experimented with backward masking — purportedly playing audio tapes backward and recording the sound effects into their songs. One such hidden treasure was John saying, “Turn me on dead man,” referring to […]

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