Entries Tagged as 'Wi-Fi'

‘Live Action’ For Montana Ghost Town – Wi-Fi & Wildmen

September 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Wi-Fi

    Seldom do I expect “The Dirty Gig” to be glamorous. I mean … especially comparing it to the travel blog content that has pinged Major League press boxes, film festivals, bowl games, TV shoots, international flights, NFL games, skyscrapers and fancy places around the world. Typically, the disaster recovery portion of my travel […]

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PingWi-Fi Visits ‘Our Lady’ … Ain’t She A Butte?

August 18th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

      After a brief return to Fort Worth and Amarillo, fate finds me back in The Big Sky Country of Montana. Ha … after one day back on the job at The Dirty Gig, I had a day off. So, yes I hit the road. Today i drove to Missoula, but passed Butte […]

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Saving Best For Last? Maybe … Montana, 48 States — Pinged!

August 12th, 2013 · Tags: Wi-Fi

  It’s official. As a travel blogger, I’ve toured all of the 48 contiguous states, and of course shot “selfies” on many a mountaintop, saving one of the best states for last. The Big Sky of Montana!  Montana … so important in the journey of those original travel bloggers — Lewis and Clark … Their […]

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Presidential Pings: Who Put The W In Wi-Fi?

July 11th, 2013 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Politics · Wi-Fi

  In many cases, when we ping on-location, Wi-Fi is the whole story.  There are exceptions, such as The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.  At the BHOF we tested the hotspot quickly and then enthusiastically slid into the history and memorabilia, admittedly looking for one item specifically.   Ping The Hall of Fame

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Dome Comes Down! Ping Pontificates On King – Book Review

June 23rd, 2013 · Tags: Arts · Politics · Wi-Fi

During my first brush with entertainment writing in college, there was a joke that I was a “not-in-good-standing” member of the book of the month club. As entertainment editor, all of the major and some minor publishing houses sent me dozens and dozens and dozens of books to review for the college newspaper. Ha … […]

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Should Have Pinged Lake Texoma Sooner, Rather Than Later

June 17th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Politics · Wi-Fi

The side job — “The Dirty Gig” — that keeps me traveling the country sometimes also landlocks me right here in Fort Worth, such as now.  So, the other day I started looking around for a weekend adventure … a short roadtrip … and some Wi-Fi exploration close to home. Otherwise, I might never have […]

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Starbucks: ‘Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em’ … Further Away

May 31st, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Satire · Wi-Fi

Man, my muse must be occupying Wall Street with the other lazy arses. No blogging whatsoever since I have been off the road. And then, lo and behold, a story of interest, brewing right under my nose. Yesterday my friend on Facebook broke the story that Starbuck’s is allowing no more smoking on their ash […]

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Wi-Fi Guy Pings Schlotzsky’s Repeatedly … He Even Pays

March 28th, 2013 · Tags: Restaurant · Satire · Wi-Fi

    I love me some Schlotzsky’s. They were one of the pioneering eateries to offer free Wi-Fi, and at least in Texas, they are pretty much everywhere. (Darn it. I saw something about a Schlotzsky’s opening in New York or maybe New Jersey after I just left there recently.) Anywho … great sandwiches and […]

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SXSW Festival – Something By Something Else, Weird & Wi-Fi’d In ATX

March 13th, 2013 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

  The weirdness keeps on keeping on here in Austin for yet another day at SXSW — the South By Southwest Festival — which brings together the worlds of film, music and interactive for one big burnt orange rave – 24/7.   The PingWi-Fi contingent has drifted in and out between the three categories listed […]

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Mind Out Of The Gutter, Mr. Wi-Fi Snipes Triple Hex

January 27th, 2013 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

      For years I have received cool promo pieces from a certain PR group that specializes in promoting rock bands.  I think we first hooked up on some SXSW music event in Austin.  Anywho, for the most part, they send me notes on concerts that are out of my reach.  But, recently, I […]

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