Entries Tagged as 'Sports'

Pressbox Tweets — The Sequel, For PingWi-Fi At Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl

December 31st, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Sports

So, when was the last time you saw a football game with back to back kickoff returns for touchdowns, to start the second half of a bowl game? We just did in Fort Worth in the 40-degree Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl. The PingWi-Fi team is scattered around the sidelines and the pressbox … tweeting […]

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Bowl Shockers, Cheerleader Rockers … Strange Day For PingWi-Fi, Indeed

December 31st, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Sports

Yesterday was one of the strangest football days ever. Topping headlines, my alma mater fired Mike Leach — a coach that took Texas Tech University football to #2 in the nation with about one-fifth the talent that most Big 12 schools recruit to their beautiful cities. If there is no secret “smoking gun” in this […]

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‘Twitter Bowl’ Season Approaches For PingWi-Fi Coverage, Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Scores Great Speaker

December 17th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Sports

This just in on the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, from press release … Double Duty Luncheon Speaker: It is not often that a featured speaker at a meeting, conference and/or event will get to display his skills before a bigger setting, but Retired Sgt. First Class Dana Bowman will be handling those tasks this […]

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Tiger, Sign Your Score Card … As Detractors Come Out Of Woodworks

December 8th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Politics · Satire · Sports

Dating back to the time when I first began to interview celebrities, I always stuck with one rule. No autographs. I mean, if you are trying to get a celebrity to interact on a human level during an interview, why would you lower yourself and put them on a pedestal? Pretty much common sense … […]

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Light Reading — 12 Months Of Pings From The Road

September 14th, 2009 · Tags: Airports · Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Hotels · Satire · Sports

The commercial launch for PingWi-Fi.com was in November, a press conference hosted by San Francisco International Airport, but we have been up and running the blog for one year now. How we doin? Well, at the get-go, I said that I would consider the first year a success if we attended one and only one […]

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Dir-Tay Business: Press 1 For Another Option; Press 2 For Paperwork

August 10th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Satire · Sports

Having taken myself out of the lineup in the PR world in order to blog, inadvertently, I find myself doing ‘dirty gigs’ on the side for sustenance. And every stint has unique challenges — much more so than my former life behind a desk in the business world. PR was filled with papercuts and backstabs […]

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Before PingWi-Fi … Thought I Could ‘Sell Ice To Eskimos’

July 15th, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire · Sports

I guess there is just no way to put this delicately. I think everything potentially is fodder for humor. Period. Blame it on my upbringing, tainted from that very first season of SNL. Raise yo hand if you remember the operatically trained Garrett Morris singing “I gonna get me a gun and shoot all the […]

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Rolling 7s At Dell Diamond, With Ryans — Texas Baseball Tourney

June 10th, 2009 · Tags: Sports · Wi-Fi

Man … there is just something cool about Minor League Baseball parks. Intimate. Clean … no … immaculate! This evening, I am in the press box at Dell Diamond, in Round Rock,Texas — home of the Round Rock Express. Typically, my “home” Minor League field is the home of the Fort Worth Cats — LaGrave. […]

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Abilene, Abilene … PingWi-Fi Makes Camp Near Diamond

June 9th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Gadgets · Satire · Sports

If Rat Packer Dean Martin can sing about it, then I can blog about it. “Abilene, Abilene.” On the first day of my first Wi-Fi blog, I watched my son throw a no-hitter for his high school baseball team. A great day of baseball proved to be the perfect beginning for a wonderful trip.

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PingWi-Fi Pulls Out New Stick For Play At Colonial Golf Tourney

May 31st, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Sports · Wi-Fi

Well … I am almost sad to say I have finished another ‘dirty jobs’ assignment, and have moved on to what can only be described as a sweet gig. Today I am circling the course — including all of the highly populated watering holes — at Fort Worth’s Colonial Country Club, for the Crowne Plaza […]

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