Entries Tagged as 'Politics'

Tiger, Sign Your Score Card … As Detractors Come Out Of Woodworks

December 8th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Politics · Satire · Sports

Dating back to the time when I first began to interview celebrities, I always stuck with one rule. No autographs. I mean, if you are trying to get a celebrity to interact on a human level during an interview, why would you lower yourself and put them on a pedestal? Pretty much common sense … […]

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Before PingWi-Fi … Thought I Could ‘Sell Ice To Eskimos’

July 15th, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire · Sports

I guess there is just no way to put this delicately. I think everything potentially is fodder for humor. Period. Blame it on my upbringing, tainted from that very first season of SNL. Raise yo hand if you remember the operatically trained Garrett Morris singing “I gonna get me a gun and shoot all the […]

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Tea Party Patriots Welcome Perry, Tough Texan Talk

April 16th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Politics · Satire

Perhaps it is premature to predict that Texas Governor Rick Perry will be the next U.S. President, but it is interesting to note that 5,000 people showed up in Fort Worth yesterday to see him stump at LaGrave Field.  That’s not bad — 5,000 people — four years before the election.  So, will the First […]

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Ain’t Buying This Phat, Socialism Thing Obama Is Pedalin

April 12th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Politics

I wanted to ride my bike today.  On two wheels, I can turn up the iPod, burn a calorie, think and solve most of the world’s problems.  But today North Texas was forced indoors by heavy rains.  I turned to the tube … There was an interesting piece on PBS about public bicycle sharing programs […]

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FargoDome Sandbaggers Prep For Red River Throwdown

March 29th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Politics · Wi-Fi

Despite what the song says, I can’t drive “my Chevy to the levee” and I can assure you it ain’t dry anyhow. Here in Fargo, N.D., all eyes are on the Red River — a much different animal than the branch that separates Texas and Oklahoma. Here the waterway is a beast, at least this […]

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Does The IQ Surpass The Bowling Score? — Dodging Red Balls

March 21st, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire

With only a couple of exceptions, every year I drive to the top of Texas for the annual beer fest and old-timers barbecue in my home town. I only partake of one of those delicacies these days, but it is still worth the five-hour drive to see old friends. Two years ago, I learned that […]

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Finicky Readers May Find Food For Thought In Twitter Treats

March 10th, 2009 · Tags: Politics · Satire · Wi-Fi

Ever wonder why the word “random” is such a part of our everyday conversation lately? I think I have found the culprits — first stream-of-consciousness blogging and now the TV-dinners of blogging — tweets … those 140-gram appetizers on Twitter. Unfortunately, I have run across some people who are still TI — Twitter intolerant. Assuming […]

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Alpha – Omega, Abe To Obe On Road To Sundance

January 21st, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Politics · Satire

Unlike millions, I missed the inauguration yesterday.  Well … I didn’t miss it.  I had better things to do.  But, as I made the 14-hour drive to Sundance Film Festival I listened to portions of the play by play. So, it is official.  Congratulations to President Obama, who was sworn in yesterday … ha … […]

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Nonconformity, Satire: Also Dishes ‘Best Served Cold’

January 19th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Politics · Satire

Don’t get me wrong.  Don’t be all hatin. Any president of the United States is my president.  I wish him/her well and will be supportive in most circumstances.  Will I poke fun? Bet your arse!  Thank goodness,  I am encouraged that already common sense, economic necessity and better decisions are overruling the seductive campaign promises […]

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Obama & Entourage Ride Rails With WAAV Wi-Fi

January 17th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Politics · Satire

If you have tried to use Twitter on this fine Saturday morning, you may have found that some features are not working … and there is a Twitter message that says the system is “a little stressed.” Probable cause? I will bet money there are more than a few tweets emitting from the tracks between […]

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