Entries Tagged as 'Music'

Houston Dirty Gig Continues … #IIWII … Rap About Nothing

September 17th, 2017 · Tags: Cities · Music · Satire

  When you were a child, did you know what you wanted to be when you grow up? I knew what I didn’t want to be at about nine and it involved math.  Ha … I recently figured out that I was good in math back then only when it involved memorization — pluses, minuses, […]

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Breaking Away From Wi-Fi With Pedal Power

July 20th, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music · Satire · Sports

My first “attempt” at college was a dismal failure.  It was so bad that I pretty much considered an “incomplete” grade for a course a bit ot a win — as opposed to a fail.  Thank goodness that university kicked me out and saved me a few bucks. Then, I went and grew up, entered […]

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The Long Winding Road That Leads To NYC Wi-Fi

May 29th, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels · Music · Wi-Fi

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all who have served and especially for those brave souls and their loved ones who have made the ultimate sacrifice. With all due respect for the holiday, PingWi-Fi.com is open for business and blogging …

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Fortress Festival Leaves PingWi-Fi In Funk – A Good Thing

May 1st, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music

  I am not ready to claim PingWi-Fi is some sort of talisman … but, like one of my coaches used to say, “I ain’t superstitious, but I ain’t gonna take any chances.” Ha! Did your coach say that too?

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Fortress Festival … Music Shelter From The Storm

April 30th, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music

  Day one of Fort Worth’s Fortress Festival threatened to be a wash, but the clouds held as storms rocked further east around Canton, Texas. As I parked the bike at Will Rogers, the thump thump thump of a heavy bass line was shaking the parking lot.  As I dismounted and walked through or rather […]

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In Lieu Of Wi-Fi, Ping Lays Down Rhythm At Fortress Fest

April 29th, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music · Satire · Wi-Fi

  On the eve of Fort Worth’s inaugural Fortress Festival, the Triumph Thunderbird cruiser was parked in front of a large, redbricked-warehouse-of-a-structure, next to a food trailer. Inside and in the garden behind there was one old, long-haired blogger and a bunch of Fort Worth hipster elite for a invitation-only gettogether with one of the […]

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Fort Worth Fortress Festival … Add To Facebook?

April 27th, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music

Like many of my friends, I have been playing The Facebook game listing 10 concerts.  Good timing.  After the weekend, I will have a few more artists to add to my master list, and hopefully more good stories.  (More on that in a second …)

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