Entries Tagged as 'Hotels'

Mental Note: Put A Ping Under Pillow For Peace Of Mind

September 13th, 2013 · Tags: Hotels · Satire

If I don’t cash them in now, I think someday I may have enough hotel points to just retire and grow old in the nearest Holiday Inn. Now there’s an optimistic thought:) And with all those points stories have accumulated as well … life on the road leads to some pretty interesting hotel situations.

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There’s Womb For Improvement, But Pretend This Is Best Blog Ever… Preparing For Flaming Lips @SXSW

March 8th, 2013 · Tags: Airports · Arts · Hotels

  I guess I just have a knack for being in the right place at the right time … sort of. Because out of all the hundreds of concerts where Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips has hopped inside his space ball and walked over the audience, flawlessly, the PingWi-Fi team picked the one show […]

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French Fried Wi-Fi: Dupont Circle To National Harbor

September 22nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

It’s been a weird week for PingWi-Fi on social media, but we keep on keeping on. On Twitter, I received a vague message from a college professor buddy of mine. Seemed legit. I clicked on the link and it requested that I log in on Twitter. It should have said “sucker.” After all these years […]

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Wi-Fi Highlights, Pingworthy Moments From The Blog

June 25th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Satire · Sports · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

There is no question a writer can “be too close to” their work … or any “artist” can be too close … So, although I think this site is pretty easy to navigate, you never know. Therefore … for your ease, if you are interested, we have compiled a family-style buffet of PingWi-Fi entrees for […]

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Fallen Women, Wi-Fi, No Smokes, Opera & One Wet Motorbike

May 12th, 2012 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

Do you remember that software app. a few years ago that would allow the user to “deface” the homepage of Websites?  What was it called? … can’t find it on Google … The only people who could see the damage were the ones who had the software app.  So, I don’t think it actually damaged […]

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Have 2-Wheelers, Will Travel — For Chiang Mai Wi-Fi

April 4th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

I think I have discovered something significant, at least for a travel writer. If you stall and stonewall and procrastinate before you write, you get to carry the adventure inside you a little longer. It has been weeks since I reached the final stage of the Thailand adventure. The trip covered the tiny nation and […]

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Naka Island Wi-Fi — PingWi-Fi Team Bangs The Gong

March 7th, 2012 · Tags: Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

After the grandeur of Krabi Beach and Phulay Bay, well, shall we say it was good to have a little palate cleanser. So in that regard, our night of roughing it at Summer Hotel in Phuket Town was exactly what we needed … as we prepared for what would prove to be a highlight of […]

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Hey Wi-Fi, Get On Your Bad Motor Scooter & Ride

February 13th, 2012 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Hotels · Wi-Fi

As mentioned, after the luxurious times at Krabi Beach, we had a rocking time in Phuket … too much fun and not enough lodging. After my buddy Steve and I closed down the Hard Rock Cafe, we combed the backstreets, looking for a place to stay. It was the dawning of The Year of The […]

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The Wi-Fi Journey To ‘Nina?’ … Too Thai’d To Drive

February 11th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

All good things must come to an end, pretty much. So, enough of the pampered, lah-tee-friggin-dah luxury blogging. For the next leg of our journey, although we may have kicked it down a notch. It was really when things got interesting. As we left Krabi Beach, The Sheraton, the luxury of Phulay Bay, we headed […]

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Krabi Sheraton Wi-Fi – Multiple Restaurants, Multiple Passwords?

February 9th, 2012 · Tags: Hotels · Wi-Fi

So, as mentioned in the last blog, there was no room in the inn … or resort … we saw down the road at Ritz-Carlton Phulay Bay Resort, so we drove the rental car over to the Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort. As you probably know, the Sheraton is a Starwood property.  (We’ll see more of […]

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