Entries Tagged as 'Gadgets'

CruiseCast Interview Video From CES, Documents Crop Dusting

January 16th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

My friend WesterFunk pointed out that NASA may be jumping to some pretty ambitious conclusions about the methane gas detected in surveys of Mars.  I however, encountered the same evidence on the showroom floor at CES — and I DO NOT think it was a sign of intelligent life. Yes … the “crop dusting” incident […]

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AT&T CruiseCast TailGate Interview, With Element Of Surprise

January 13th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

Before my first solo, cross-country road trip, I Googled to see if I could find an inflatable likeness of Bill Gates — for grins, to access HOV lanes and for companionship.  … Never found a pseudo Bill.  But last week, I found something better, at least in the mobile companionship category. One of my favorite […]

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PingWi-Fi Samples AT&T Venture, Builds G4 Attack Of Show Shrine

January 9th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

For the next roadtrip … gotta get me one of these! Perhaps my favorite toy/necessity at CES 2009 is the AT&T CruiseCast system.  Mount the antenna on the roof of your auto, and AT&T (for a nominal fee) will beam television programming and music to your vehicle, as you head for the slopes, the beach, […]

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PingWi-Fi Lands Cushy Seat On NetGear Center Stage

January 9th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

Among the cool attractions at any tradeshow, there is one constant that draws people to the booth — a comfortable couch.  So, after I got some information from NetGear on their award-winning routers and their storage solutions and their multi-media boxes for HD entertainment.  I sampled their cushy chairs, and was just about to use […]

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PingWi-Fi Samplin Some Love — SWA Take Me To Vegas

January 8th, 2009 · Tags: Airports · Gadgets · Satire

I got me some big luv and Wi-Fi goin at Love Field … getting ready to hop on a Southwest Airlines ride to Vegas for the CES show.  Can’t wait to see all of the new toys. Say, I have been twittering away on the twittosphere, inviting President Elect Obama to attend CES this year.  […]

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PingWi-Fi Caught Between Rock & An iPod … Retells Retail Hell

January 6th, 2009 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

One of my followers on Twitter thought this would be good to repost as MacWorld approaches. (You can follow too — @pingwifi on Twitter.  Click http://twitter.com/PingWiFi): So, pour some coffee and stay with me … here it goes … I Got A Rock Today was like the weirdest. Did I win some retail sweepstakes or […]

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CES — Gadgets, Networking & Wi-Fi Geek Escapades

January 4th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Vegas is THE place to be for gadgets, giveaways, extravagant booths, booth maidens, networking and crazy parties — a techie Mecca.  No doubt,  I am stoked about taking the Ping road show back this year … But it ain’t my first ro-D-yo.  Ha … at my first CES, electronics manufacturers […]

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UK Readers Rank Wi-Fi As Top Innovation In A Decade

December 22nd, 2008 · Tags: Gadgets

Here’s a great piece seen in The Telegraph: Wireless internet beat Sky+, Sat Navs, iPods and Blackberries to top the poll in a leading gadget magazine. The survey asked readers to choose the greatest technological innovation of the past ten years. Wireless Internet was voted for by more than a third of the readers of […]

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Too Much Product Can Be A Good Thing … Wi-Fi Toys, Etc.

December 18th, 2008 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

Do You Hear What I Hear? Several of my friends had standing orders to shoot me if I EVER started wearing a bluetooth earpiece.  Just a clean shot below the left shoulder …  I mean … I love me some Star Trek, but even I know that communicators should not be worn on the clothes […]

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I Tweet Therefore I Am … Stay Tuned (Follow)

December 4th, 2008 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Gadgets · Satire

Are you on twitter?  Ha .. it is one of the best named products ever, I mean … can you believe this is the hottest thing going?  Oops … did I really say that and break ranks with the Internet cool of the moment?  (Careful, might get blacklisted …) Whatever.

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