Entries Tagged as 'Gadgets'

I May Be Indisposed, But I Know What You’re Up To

March 10th, 2019 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Gadgets · Satire · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

    It seemed to be a great revelation (to me) that if I left my JBL wireless headphones on, still playing music and around my neck while in the restroom of Starbucks — linked to my Mac laptop with a Bluetooth connection — I would know almost immediately if someone stole my laptop from […]

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Ground Control To Wi-Fi: Ground Cover, It ISS What It ISS

February 25th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

    The incredible preparation for an International Space Station,  an ISS, orbit goes unnoticed by many. First, I set the Mr. Coffee Bro to percolate black magic, precisely 15 minutes ahead of the flight plan over Texas.  After buttering yesterday’s flour tortilla and sticking a space-ready-and-already wrapped banana in my pocket … and of […]

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PingWi-Fi Can’t Decide Whether Or Not To Walk This Way

January 9th, 2016 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

It’s gonna be a long, winding blog … pace yourself, but stay with me.  Several friends post results on line when they complete a 4-mile run or whatever.  And recently, I retweeted an Internet item about a guy in The UK who had planned various runs, in which the map of his route formed the shape […]

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Joy Toy The World … Gadgets Before Wi-Fi

December 23rd, 2015 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

After the recent change of address for the world headquarters of PingWi-Fi.com, the first thing I did was set up the Wi-Fi hotspot, of course. Then I contacted The Vega Enterprise editor, “The Q,” to request an address change for my subscription to the hometown paper — a news gathering organization dating back to 1948. […]

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PingWi-Fi Turns Up Heat On New Neighborhood

November 20th, 2015 · Tags: Gadgets · Wi-Fi

  Each day PingWi-Fi does a “PingForADay” tweet on Twitter — citing the most unique, funny, helpful or bizarre item about wireless Internet that we can find in the news. PingForADay has touted Wi-Fi coffee makers, Wi-Fi printers, speakers, clocks, a Barbie doll, meat smokers, cars, trains … what have you. Several times we have […]

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Wi-Fi Calling To The Faraway Towns … From T-Mobile

June 3rd, 2014 · Tags: Gadgets · Wi-Fi

  – from T-Mobile Press Release …   Like HD Voice, Voice-over LTE (VoLTE) and a host of other pioneering wireless innovations, T-Mobile has also long led the way with Wi-Fi Calling. Back in 2007, we were the very first US wireless provider to enable Wi-Fi Calling nationwide on our Android™-powered and Windows smartphones.

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iPaint It Black … Remembering Steve Jobs Without Wi-Fi

October 6th, 2011 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

Wow … Do you remember where you were when you learned Steve Jobs had died? I was a few hours behind the curve and heard it from my boss Chris from The Dirty Gig. It was the day I was headed from Harrisburg to Philly to Binghampton, NY via US Airways.

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Tex, Sans Toll: Making Friends On The Road

March 29th, 2011 · Tags: Gadgets · Satire

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the tollbooth. Let me lay the foundation … For the last two months in Boston and the surrounding boroughs, i Have worked on about a dozen disaster jobs — large commercial to small residential job sites. In that time, I have driven or ridden in […]

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Wi-Fi & Photography … No ‘One-Trick Pony’ This PingWi-Fi

November 28th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

What did they call yesterday? Wasn’t it “Small Business Saturday” or something like that, a round two of shopping — wedged in between Black Friday and Cyber Monday? By the way, I for one hate the term “Black Friday” when associated with the official retail beginning of the Christmas Holidays. I mean … the term […]

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PingWi-Fi Ducks, Bobs, Weaves Through Memphis Flood

May 9th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Gadgets · Hotels · Wi-Fi

What is it with me and hotel rooms? I just blogged about an uninvited guest entering my hotel room in Santa Cruz and waking me from a really good dream. A year earlier, I intruded on a loving couple when I entered MY room. It was too much 411 that I am glad stayed in […]

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