Entries Tagged as 'Coffee Shops'

Ping In A Palace: Checking Canyon’s USA Today Find

March 10th, 2014 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Sports · Wi-Fi

    The Wichita State Shockers were playing the Indiana State Sycs of the storied Missouri Valley Conference on TV this weekend, and one couldn’t help but think back to the golden age of WT … No not White Trash … West Texas … the college formerly knows as West Texas State University. The Buffs. […]

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Coffee Breaking, Bad Ass IS Open For Wi-Fi

October 25th, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

I’ve had my good eye on Bad Ass Coffee and another shop since I arrived in Dillon a couple of months back.  At first glance, I thought B@ had closed down, because it is not the only business in a small office building.  And, it is not the business you see from the main street […]

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Hellgate Trading Post AKA Missoula – Gets W in Wi-Fi Column

October 22nd, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

There is something about a college town. There’s the Saturday football craziness, there is the cultural awareness and the arts … and there is an appreciation for whatever is trending. For me, it’s Wi-Fi that is trending, so when I headed to Missoula, Mont. — home of uMont, The University of Montana I expected plenty. […]

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Starbucks: ‘Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em’ … Further Away

May 31st, 2013 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Satire · Wi-Fi

Man, my muse must be occupying Wall Street with the other lazy arses. No blogging whatsoever since I have been off the road. And then, lo and behold, a story of interest, brewing right under my nose. Yesterday my friend on Facebook broke the story that Starbuck’s is allowing no more smoking on their ash […]

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Wi-Fi Soul Searchin – Religiously Mon, In Colorado Springs

October 17th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

  I was lamenting the fact that my motorcycle does not have a GPS unit as I did the traffic circle in Manitou Springs, Colo., not because I was lost, it is fairly straight forward … I mean as straight forward as a circle can be. It was just that I was missing the sound […]

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Who Put The ÜT In Texas? — SquareRüt Kava Bar

May 15th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops

In the immortal words of Chevy Chase, “Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat” (recited whenever he got tongue tied …) Anywho … Here is a little Internet chatter about one of our favorite places in Austin — SquareRüt Kava Bar on South Congress — the very first kava bar in Texas. SRüt (note the funky […]

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Wi-Fi & Wieners: Winning Combo For PingWi-Fi ‘Phase 2’

May 2nd, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Sports · Wi-Fi

Before this blog, we compiled another road trip site called The Wi-Fi Guy, and as with any successful endeavor, there were discussions on how to keep the momentum … how to keep the content fresh … how to remain relevant and so on. Among the more interesting was an idea proposed by a woman who […]

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Hey Wi-Fi, Get On Your Bad Motor Scooter & Ride

February 13th, 2012 · Tags: Coffee Shops · Hotels · Wi-Fi

As mentioned, after the luxurious times at Krabi Beach, we had a rocking time in Phuket … too much fun and not enough lodging. After my buddy Steve and I closed down the Hard Rock Cafe, we combed the backstreets, looking for a place to stay. It was the dawning of The Year of The […]

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1 Banana, 2 Banana … How Much Luv For Wi-Fi? Let Me Count The Ways …

January 6th, 2012 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Satire · Wi-Fi

IF you know me or read the PingWi-Fi blog, you know “we luvs us some boba tea.”  Hmmm … it is pretty scarce here in Thailand … even more scarce than Wi-Fi. I finally found some boba vendors — in this case, maybe boba-teers — in Ayutthaya on the sidewalk, in the outdoor market the […]

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My Hotel Has Wi-Fi … At Least ‘That’s What She Said”

December 29th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

The first time I started a blog about Wi-Fi back in ’03, most people thought it was pretty interesting — especially this new thing called “Wi-Fi.” So, I explored … found a hotspot here and there … shared anecdotes … blah, blah. blah. My passion continues today — seeking out wireless and mixing in tall […]

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