Entries Tagged as 'Cities'

Dallas International Film Festival … The B-I-G Idea

May 9th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  If you go to The West Village in Dallas — or “Big D” — you will see these two large, blue (probably concrete) letters that spell out “B_G” … No, it is not a tribute to a falsetto disco group.  The “I” is missing.  But you don’t have to “buy a vowel,” when you […]

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GunsUp But Shooting Nikon At Dallas International Film Fest

May 8th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

  It’s time for the annual pilgrimage to Big D for the DIFF, The Dallas International Film Festival … does that make me a film pilgrim?  I digress, (with assonance, I might add) … It’s great fun … and sometimes I actually get to see a film or two, but a lot of the time […]

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PingWi-Fi Does Aerial Acrobatics & The SongBird Has Flown

April 19th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Politics · Satire · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  Even my friends who hate motorcycles (and blogs about motorcycles) have probably heard or seen the slogan:  “Loud Pipes Save Lives.” Apparently I needed some louder pipes the other day.

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Racewalking In Pocatello Idaho With Wi-Fi — Same Same

March 18th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels · Satire · Sports · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

    It’s one of the more common themes in Sci-Fi — the parallel universe — a place where everything you know exists but everything is different. Ha!   Well, I experienced a little PU in my hotel room the other night in Pocatello, Idaho.  It’s a long story … The disaster team, traveling on […]

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Asian Art Exhibited At Superb Wi-Fi Venue — The Kimbell

March 2nd, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

When I met the man who compiled a priceless collection of Asian art, I was honored and shook his hand quite formally. When he told me that he bought 60 jade artifacts in a shoebox from a store in Philadelphia for a thousand bucks in the ’70s — including a jade cicada ornament from the […]

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Ground Control To Wi-Fi: Ground Cover, It ISS What It ISS

February 25th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

    The incredible preparation for an International Space Station,  an ISS, orbit goes unnoticed by many. First, I set the Mr. Coffee Bro to percolate black magic, precisely 15 minutes ahead of the flight plan over Texas.  After buttering yesterday’s flour tortilla and sticking a space-ready-and-already wrapped banana in my pocket … and of […]

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Lipstick Matters, In Vision Quest For Parking Spot

January 24th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Satire

  I get an eye examination and new glasses about every 10 years, whether I need it or not. Ha. Of course the doctors tell us we need to be checked every year. I’ve tried that and guess what, not only do you get a new pair of glasses every year, but the eyes seem […]

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Heart Of Dallas Bowl: Utes Down Mountain Men

December 28th, 2017 · Tags: Cities · Sports · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

“Never give up on your team.”  I preached that to my kids for years, the kids that I coached, or anyone who would listen.  It makes me a little furious when I see fans leaving the stadium before the game ends … even if their team is behind by three scores or whatever. Never give […]

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Army Ground War Outlasts Aztecs In Armed Forces Bowl

December 24th, 2017 · Tags: Cities · Sports

  Young players and fans attending the 2017 Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl potentially may have learned the military term “hunker down.” … Talk about two quarterbacks playing under center!   Both Ahmad Bradshaw for the Army West Point Black Knights and Christian Chapman of the San Diego State University Aztecs at times hunkered down […]

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Tragedy After Maria In Puerto Rico; Other Stories

December 9th, 2017 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels · Satire · Wi-Fi

The Dirty Gig is full of characters … never a dull moment … And Puerto Rico was no different.  Working at the storied El San Juan Hotel in Carolina, Puerto Rico, one of my colleagues supervised a laborer named Ura who just stood out above the others … for his personality and attitude … not […]

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