Entries Tagged as 'Cities'

Rock Lake: Rest, Beauty & Serenity

November 14th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Recently I purchased a new iPhone, and after looking at the storage space issues I was influenced to go through and delete hundreds of old texts.  There was one text more poignant than all the others.  It was an old text sent to a young woman whom I never met, whose work I admired from […]

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Mesa Vista & The Livin’ Is Easy – Pingin’ Pickens’ Place

September 4th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels

Can you think of any blog other than PingWi-Fi.com that would lead into a Texas ranch story with a “Star Trek” analogy? Well, here it goes … In one of the Star Trek films, “Star Trek III: The Search For Spock,” the plot centers around a “Genesis device” — a technology that has the power […]

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Fly Away Little Bug, Before VW Kills Off Species

July 13th, 2019 · Tags: Cities · Satire

  Social media tells me that the Volkswagen Beetle is no more … again!  Remember the U.S. “Bug” was quashed years ago, although the Latin American-made Bugs continued to multiply south of the border, following that whole Boys From Brazil kinda thing – German stuff migrating to the southern latitudes and all that … I […]

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Will Texas Tech & Ping Do Omaha College World Series?

June 4th, 2019 · Tags: Cities · Sports

  Well … they made me park the bike today (figuratively) … said I was “a quart low” on chemo:) So I am parked at the clinic for treatment #16. Ha … not gonna say “Sweet 16” in a post about cancer:) I will say this: “Guns Up!” … What a great year to be […]

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Fort Worth Love For Leon Bridges At #FortressFestival

April 29th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music · Uncategorized

  Night-and-day … the different scene at the the 2019 Fortress Festival, Day 2 with headliner Leon Bridges.  I walked away from the show thinking of one word — LOVE. That man is an entertainer!  And seldom have I seen a guy who so loves being on stage and loves the audience and loves performing […]

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Ping Laments Days Of Music Festivals With Music

April 29th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music

  I am prepared to be called a “racist” and “just old” for my strong opinions on a portion of what I saw and heard on day one of the 2019 Fortress Festival … but you’d be wrong.  Race has little to do with it and I guarantee you I sample/buy lots of current music.  […]

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Bloggers In Cars Pinging Coffee … McLaren Rocks!

February 26th, 2019 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Sports

Sometimes when I write one of my so-called “blogs about nothing,” I feel a remote kinship with the master of nothing, Jerry Seinfeld.  But the other day I felt like Jerry’s sidekick … no, not George or Kramer or Elaine either (“not that there’s anything wrong with it”). I mean Jerry’s sidekicks on the newest […]

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Fort Worth’s Kimbell Displays Dresden’s Undying Beauty

February 8th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  When meeting author Kurt Vonnegut at Texas Tech University in the mid ’80s — as a college journalist — I asked for his best, professional advice for a budding writer. “That’s an easy one,” he said, laughing.  “Marry a rich woman.” Well … I write.  I’m not married … but I know a rich […]

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Motel 6 Leaves Something To Be Desired … But Wi-Fi Is A Win

December 30th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Since the early days, I have played this game on PingWi-Fi where I see just how cheap I can be … or rather … how inexpensively I can travel.  It’s just who I am … Mr. Frugal:) … I do it to excess … just a crazy game I play.  Ha … I have lived […]

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Washington State Cougars, Pirate Take ‘State vs. State Bowl’

December 30th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Sports

  I can barely remember The Alamodome from the first time the PingWi-Fi Blog visited. But I remember all too well the circumstances. Now, a decade later, Coach Mike Leach’s charges returned and recorded a second win in the Valero Alamo Bowl … and this time the captain was there with them to swing his […]

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