Entries Tagged as 'Arts'

Wi-Fi, Dirty Gig & Unorthodox View of Shreveport

March 30th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

    Amazing, the way people drive between Fort Worth, Texas and Shreveport, La. I suppose if you are going to drive that far to lose money in a smoky casino, you better get there ASAP, right?:) As for me, I kept it pretty much within the legal limits, as I headed out to make […]

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Heap Big Wi-Fi Among Chickasaw In Sulphur, Okla.

February 17th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Remember the scenes in old westerns in which the “Indians” refused to be photographed because they believed the camera might steal their souls?  Well, me and my Nikon don’t subscribe to that theory … and yet …

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Not 1st Rodeo, Nor Last Picture Show. Wi-Fi Guy Passes By

January 19th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

    There are wine stores, and there are wine cellars. There are bookstores, and there is Booked Up.   Like some quaint, dark, quiet tasting room, Booked Up is filled with racks and racks of aged, premium, rare and limited edition treasures … lots and lots of old books … classics and not-classics. Something […]

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He Put Amarillo On The Map – Cadillac Curator Is Gone

June 18th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

I was 21 and had talked my way into an interview with the college newspaper because I had earned some stripes at a few hundred rock concerts — and I was savvy enough to dress up a little with a corduroy blazer for the interview (even though the boss was another college student).   Somehow, […]

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Edward Sharpe, Magnetic 0s Play Whilst I Go Home & Crash

June 17th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

One look at the map and you see why Edward Sharpe &The Magnetic Zeros played Columbia, Missouri — a college town — on a school night. Smack dab between the larger venues in Kansas City and St. Louis, the Mizzou crowd gets some great acts on off nights.

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Wi-Fi – Holding Together The Fabric Of Our Lives – LOL

June 12th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  You know how you when you “discover” something new, and then you see it everywhere around you?   Well … I have known about quilts all my life, and I even have one friend obsessed with the art. But, I had no idea anyone cared enough for there to be a quilt museum. Silly […]

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Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros … blog coming soon

June 7th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized

Post by D Kent Pingel.

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Somewhat Social Media, ‘Underground Journalism’ At Mizzou

April 28th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

    Man I hope that some day, I get money for being crazy … just like Gary Busey in that Amazon commercial where he talks to his devices. Until then, I just be all crazy for no good reason … other than just trying to stay entertained on The Dirty Gig.   This week […]

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“Road To Austin” — Maybe Not Your Kinda Trip

April 6th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

    I’ve always thought there are, for the most part, two types of concert films. There is that film from a once-in-a-lifetime moment in music history — the kind that influences you to bite a hole in the side of your cheek, as you watch, regretting so desperately that you were not there. Then […]

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DIFF2014 – Take Two … Not A Bad Night At All

April 5th, 2014 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  I love a good t-shirt. And I love a good spoof. Hard to say which I heart more. But when the two come together, oh happy day. So, on the photo gauntlet red carpet for The 2014 Dallas International Film Festival, I spotted this t-shirt. Soon I learned the hipster donning such was none […]

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