Entries Tagged as 'Arts'

Angry Birds, Violent Felines, Catfood Surfing In Miami

March 30th, 2016 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Once again The Dirty Gig* provided a venue to keep a tradition alive.  A couple of years back, working in the housing projects of New York City, I shared with my inner city workers the magic of the tape ball — a fun little thing I picked up from a high school coach.  Well … […]

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Merry Christmas – Get Ready For Bowl Games on PingWi-Fi

December 19th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities

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Reminiscing Our First Ping Of New Orleans With Mickey

September 16th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  We were in New Orleans for the last half of our honeymoon, walking through the French Quarter from our hotel. We had picked an old, picturesque, legendary New Orleans hotel, with a swimming pool on the roof.

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Are You Ready For Some Binge-Watch Football?

August 27th, 2015 · Tags: Arts

  Ha … ever in search of something binge-watch worthy, I finally took on “Friday Night Lights,” after hearing it’s praises forever. Pleasantly surprised. Just started Season 4 … (spoiler) … it’s like a Tale of Two Cities … just when I was growing accustomed to the “Haves,” now we’re focusing on the “Have Nots” […]

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Driving Ping Crazy … Wi-Fi Road Warriorness

August 25th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Satire

One of the most alarming statistics of this society is the lack of two-parent homes. I won’t get into the demographics of who’s who, race, gender, etc. … suffice to say, someone in the home is not teaching people how to drive. Being outspoken most of the time and on the road all the time, […]

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Wi-Fi Takes Backseat To ‘Back In The Day’ – Round Up 2015

August 11th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

  Before there was Wi-Fi — long before — there was The Oldham Country Round Up in Vega, Texas on Old Route 66. “Vegaville” — a place where authentic cowboys, hard-working farmers and resolute merchants and their families take a day off once a year to get together and celebrate community … planning the future, […]

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A View Of Ping Roots … Before There Was Wi-Fi

June 25th, 2015 · Tags: Arts

  It’s not “the best of times and the worst of times” like the author penned … but it may be the time when farmers work the hardest with the chance for greatest reward. Harvest. With the first combine that hits the fields, you can smell it. The combination of dust, wheat beards, a few […]

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Enchanted, Off The Grid In Texas Hill Country

May 5th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

  A weekend trip to Austin took the PingWi-Fi guy off the grid and back to nature … at times.  Perhaps the highlight — witnessing a pretty acrobatic birds-n-bees thing at Zilker Park.  No. Not hippies nor hipsters.  Not what you think.  I was cruising through the park on the  Triumph Thunderbird when I spied […]

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German Precision, Basketball Converge At DIFF2015 – DIRK!

April 15th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Sports

Confession. I never got over the disappointment of the Dallas Mavericks allowing Steve Nash to slip through their fingers to free agency, reminiscent of how the mop-headed point guard eluded so many star-studded defenses during his all-star career. Arguably the best soccer player to ever quarterback an NBA team … Nash revolutionized the point guard […]

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2015 Dallas International Film Festival – April 9-19 … Ping!

April 12th, 2015 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  One of the first events I covered in a blog was a film festival. It had Wi-Fi, so I knew I was on to something. There have been a few since. Film festivals never disappoint. … So fun to shoot photographs of and interact with the experts who create the most poignant, artsy and […]

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