Entries Tagged as 'Arts'

AT&T, CruiseCast Upgrade All Roadtrips With Sat TV On The Go

June 3rd, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Satire · Wi-Fi

Roadtrips just got a lot better.  Gone are the days when you may have used a bungee chord to tie down a small TV and a DVD player on a beer cooler in the back of the family truckster, for the kids to occupy they minds. CruiseCast released this news:

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Turned On: Dead Man Wi-Fi-ing At Bass Hall

May 1st, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

‘Turn Me On Dead Man’ Ever hear that phrase? Back in the day, when the Beatles took a break from experimental drugs, they experimented with backward masking — purportedly playing audio tapes backward and recording the sound effects into their songs. One such hidden treasure was John saying, “Turn me on dead man,” referring to […]

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Paperback Writer Shuns Lennon, Yet Fargo Makes The List

April 5th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

Life’s coincidences always amaze me.  In the previous blog, I pontificated ad nauseam about rock bands, based on my meeting with a rock ‘n’ roller in Fargo, N.D.  As ’70s legendary band names spewed out of me like so much rhetoric from a Chicago politician, I mentioned one somewhat obscure rock band. Wishbone Ash.

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PingWi-Fi — Drumming Up Rock Legends Deep Purple To DimeBag

March 31st, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Satire · Wi-Fi

This is my second cross-country travel blog in search of all things Wi-Fi. The two trips are similar. But, if there is anything missing this time, it is the lack of opportunities to just sit and visit with locals. Yesterday was a nice exception. In Fargo I was driving around, snapping a few photos when […]

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AFI Dallas Film Festival Is Rolling

March 28th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

Here’s a quick look at AFI Dallas Film Festival, for those of you who are not glued to the set watching the flooding in Fargo, or the volcano in Alaska.  The Redoubt volcano shot ash 50,000 feet into the air yesterday …

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OK Spuds, PingWi-Fi Has The New Rules From Devo

March 21st, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

If you have not seen it, you may want to check out the written version of the Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo) interview from a couple of days ago.  PingWi-Fi caught up with the band in Dallas, on their way to SXSW in Austin.  Note: If you have seen the written interview, there is some information in […]

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PingWi-Fi Takes On Devo Before SXSW — Ain’t Through Bein’ Coo

March 19th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

After seeing Devo perform live, I realized their true genius — from a marketing perspective. Of all the cerebral things they did — nothing was more strategic than the nerdy, sci-fi, futuristic personas they created! Why? Because 20 years later, their nerdiness is preserved perfectly. Look at a boy-band after puberty — but would you […]

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PingWi-Fi Asks Devo-esque Question: ‘Are We Not Twins?’

March 19th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Satire · Wi-Fi

“It’s not to late to whip it.  Whip it good.” I ain’t gonna lie (because there is no time for that) … I was at a loss as to what to wear to interview Mark Mothersbaugh, frontman for Devo (and brilliant soundtrack dude).  I don’t have a Devo helmet, nor their trademark spud collar.  Hmmm […]

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SXSW Festival Serves Wi-Fi, Live Appearances

March 17th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

This morning on Austin’s FM 107, I heard that David (daVEED) Garza was playing live in the lobby of The Four Seasons hotel.  Rats … got there too late.  But, I got to see another Austin favorite perform,  Bob Schneider. (Got the last of the breakfasts burritos, too, I might add.)

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Keep Austin Wi-Fi — Bike Tour Beyond SXSW

March 16th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

For all road warriors, I can’t think of a better rule of thumb — carry a bike in the back of your hybrid, H2 or whatever.  It saves gas, saves the planet, infuriates cabbies and gets you where you want to go most economically.  Last night I road up  and down 6th Street several times […]

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