Entries Tagged as 'Arts'

Have Guitar (And Wi-Fi), Will Travel — SXSW

March 21st, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

“Just a song before I go …” Ha … Austin streets were deserted this morning … prolly the biggest hangover day of the year, as SXSW festival ends.  I bet there are not very many people who could stomach the Texas-shaped waffles back at the hotel this morning.  I digress … As I walked, waffled-powered […]

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PingWi-Fi — Dinosaur Rockin Among Newest Music at SXSW

March 20th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities

This week PingWi-Fi traveled to Austin, Texas for the SXSW festival. I am the guy NOT dressed in black – LOL. If you have not attended, it is a two-week assault on the senses, with everything in the worlds of film, interactive and music. Interactive is over … I am focused primarily on the music […]

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Flaming Lips Play Unplugged-ish At Denton’s NX35 Showcase

March 15th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

From the get-go, let me say that the Wi-Fi network at the Flaming Lips concert in Denton, Texas was sub-standard … because there wasn’t one. No worries. Most of the audience was toting 3G and 4G phones … and I think their messages were mainly photos and “look at me at the Flaming Lips concert” […]

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“Tent Making,” Branding Wi-Fi … A Place For All On Twitter

March 12th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Gadgets · Satire

Before there were links, there was this TV host/author named Art Linkletter. He was famous for the phrase “kids say the darnedest things.” They do. My friends have a young child who has just started preschool and apparently they spend most of their time counting … so he counts everything. He told his mom he […]

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ArtReach — Revealing What We Know Of Another Dimension, True Creativity

March 1st, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Wi-Fi

To fund the PingWi-Fi travel blog, I also do dirty gigs in the disaster recovery industry … with much less fanfare than the “Dirty Jobs” guy on TV — I might add. Each trip gives me some pretty good stories to blog from the road … cuts … bruises … etc. But, a recent trip […]

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Wi-Fi Pickins – Slim; City Museum Requires Gut Check

February 4th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

Have you seen that show “American Pickers” on The History Channel? By the way, the first of my three trips across America was as PR guy for the The History Channel sponsored “The Great Race.” I digress … Back on track … Pickers, right … Two guy travel the country in a huge foreign -looking […]

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PingWi-Fi Timetrips To Music Of ‘Killer’ Solo Act In St. Louis

February 2nd, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets · Wi-Fi

I won’t lie. I was wearing a Mexican Baja hippie hoodie — in rastaman red-green-gold — before most of his fans were born … but it was all about the music at Keller Williams’ show at the intimate Pageant Theatre the other night in St. Louis. I mean, who don’t love a Phish-ish, Grateful Dead-esque […]

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Keller Williams Show — PingWi-Fi Kicks Off St. Louis With Music Hotspot

January 29th, 2010 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Gadgets

There is no telling how many times I have mentioned my love of random concerts in cities where I travel. Those are the best. Last summer, I stumbled upon Cracker playing outside on the banks of the Ohio River in Louisville, Kent. Many years ago there was a chance sighting of Echo & The Bunnymen […]

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Searching For Proof Of Buffalo In Most Equestrian Of Surroundings; Nearing Louisville Finish Line

December 28th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

When you travel alone you always think of the joke at restaurants: “Bitter … table for one!” Well … when I scheduled my last meal in Louisville, I had nothing on my mind but “bison — table for one.”

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Merry Christmas From PingWi-Fi Wind Farm

December 24th, 2009 · Tags: Arts · Satire · Wi-Fi

Did we make the annual holiday pilgrimage to The Cadillac Ranch and the PingWi-Fi Wind Farm? … Well duh!  Added bonus — snow was delivered right on schedule last night … er … after the “light display.”  Merry Christmas yo! * No animals were harmed in the making of this video, much.  And please, do […]

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