Entries Tagged as 'Arts'

Rock Lake: Rest, Beauty & Serenity

November 14th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities

Recently I purchased a new iPhone, and after looking at the storage space issues I was influenced to go through and delete hundreds of old texts.  There was one text more poignant than all the others.  It was an old text sent to a young woman whom I never met, whose work I admired from […]

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Mesa Vista & The Livin’ Is Easy – Pingin’ Pickens’ Place

September 4th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels

Can you think of any blog other than PingWi-Fi.com that would lead into a Texas ranch story with a “Star Trek” analogy? Well, here it goes … In one of the Star Trek films, “Star Trek III: The Search For Spock,” the plot centers around a “Genesis device” — a technology that has the power […]

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Fort Worth Love For Leon Bridges At #FortressFestival

April 29th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music · Uncategorized

  Night-and-day … the different scene at the the 2019 Fortress Festival, Day 2 with headliner Leon Bridges.  I walked away from the show thinking of one word — LOVE. That man is an entertainer!  And seldom have I seen a guy who so loves being on stage and loves the audience and loves performing […]

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Ping Laments Days Of Music Festivals With Music

April 29th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Music

  I am prepared to be called a “racist” and “just old” for my strong opinions on a portion of what I saw and heard on day one of the 2019 Fortress Festival … but you’d be wrong.  Race has little to do with it and I guarantee you I sample/buy lots of current music.  […]

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Happy 8-Track Day, Music Heads Of Yesteryear!

April 11th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Music

YES! Thanks to fellow music head J-Ferg for pointing out that today is National Eight-Track Tape Day! 8-Track Holiday My first 8-track player was a used tape player-only unit  — no AM/FM, no turntable — with two eight-inch-square speakers — purchased from my neighbor Barry for 10 bucks. And so it begun …  The last […]

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Fort Worth’s Kimbell Displays Dresden’s Undying Beauty

February 8th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  When meeting author Kurt Vonnegut at Texas Tech University in the mid ’80s — as a college journalist — I asked for his best, professional advice for a budding writer. “That’s an easy one,” he said, laughing.  “Marry a rich woman.” Well … I write.  I’m not married … but I know a rich […]

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An AirBnB Brings New Kicks … Station 66

October 8th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  My story began in Vega, Texas … where “what stayed in Vega, happened in Vega,” I love to say. In the early chapters, childhood was spent watching sports teams at the school, hours upon hours — when I wasn’t watching Fall’s fading light obscure the fast-moving shadow of a school bus, over country roads, […]

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Pinging The Pyramid Of The Sun – Teotihuacan

September 4th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  After a quick jaunt back to Texas, I returned to “The Dirty Gig” in Mexico and then on the first opportunity headed straight for The Pyramid of the Sun, an hour northeast of Mexico City.  IF I had a bucket list, Teotihuacan would be there.  But who takes the credit for it making the […]

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Mexican Wi-Fi Revolution Continues — On To Guanajuato

August 25th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Politics · Wi-Fi

Sometimes things just fall into place. For instance, when this blogger visited San Miguel de Allende a couple of weeks back, it seemed like the coolest place on the planet. However, now that I’ve seen Guanajuato City, the state capitol … I may like it even better. So glad the order worked out like it […]

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San Miguel de Allende — Ciudad Muy Bueno

August 16th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Coffee Shops · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  Many times I question my decision to do The Dirty Gig to fund my travel.  But as I headed north of Celaya, Mexico to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico I was convinced that doing disaster recovery work is worth it for the travel. San Miguel has never been on my radar before, and yet […]

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