Bogus Band Names

Rumor has it that PingWi-Fi will host a Pingpalooza Fest at some point in the distant future. Who knows? It could happen. (Yah right. Save me a concert shirt from that one.) To date, these bogus bands are on the bill. Feel free to suggest more. We like – we add. I mean, it’s not like you have anything better to do. 🙂

  • Fit To Rage
  • Dallas Llamas
  • Amino Daddy
  • Smooth Soother
  • Monkey Launch
  • Surrogate Mothers
  • Adoption Gone Bad
  • Bad Pit
  • Prone2
  • Keep Austin
  • Begat
  • Derelict Ranch
  • Hope Is Today’s Opiate
  • Motown Less Talk
  • Not Unscathed
  • Somewhat Ish
  • Riddle Me This
  • Isthmus
  • Underalls & Overalls
  • I Mean
  • Bald Framptons
  • Virtually Worthless
  • Huge Head
  • Waif Errors
  • The Succinct
  • Witchhunt Justification
  • Good Reed
  • Please Pass The Jelly
  • Sissified
  • Vunderwear
  • Squarehead
  • Godspeedtrap
  • Petty Bulls
  • Ozzy Is One Messed Up Dude
  • All Ears
  • Street Cred Check
  • Troglodyte Truckers
  • Mountain Mama
  • I See Code
  • Typo Tats
  • Thoughtless
  • Moonshine Whippoorwills
  • Napalm Lights The Night
  • Use It In A Sentence
  • Muck
  • Montenegro’s Revenge
  • The T Is Silent
  • Smoking The Koolaide
  • Breathmint
  • Feelymeboneybelly
  • Hans Jovi
  • Perfect Skin
  • Phenomasita
  • AC/District of Columbia
  • Leo & The Tards
  • Save Face
  • Ebonic Philharmonic
  • Shroud Shredders
  • Mr. Clean is Everywhere
  • Gulag Gig
  • Murder Is Custom In Some Cultures
  • Pee Review
  • Legacy System
  • So Way
  • So Into You
  • Lost Episodes
  • Whipping Boys
  • Bandgelina
  • Rap Is Poo
  • Gargantuan Mole
  • Crackhead By A Mile
  • Downstairs Mix Up
  • Suey
  • Really Ugly Boys
  • Emo Baggage Handlers
  • Phenomasita
  • Down With Ship
  • Tool Shed
  • Nomads No Cry
  • Phat Pants
  • Puppet Construction
  • Less Than Or Equal To
  • Playa Yahyahs
  • Crud Pressure
  • Replenish My Love Tank
  • In The Details
  • Soy Intols
  • Mama Tried
  • MuckNife
  • ElvisLevisLives
  • Unastute As We Wanna Be
  • The Nephilim
  • Tip Your Bartenders
  • Sixstrung
  • Rising Price of Petrol
  • I Got Nothin
  • Enhancement
  • Gargoyle Sox
  • Lottery Habit
  • In A Nutshell
  • Shortage
  • Words That End In a-t-i-o-n
  • Who Could Have Known
  • Horton Is Deaf
  • Plaid Is The New Black
  • Sir Scratchalot
  • Instant Karmann Ghia
  • Long Strange
  • Holster
  • Funk Therefore I Be
  • Parched
  • Fill Your Hand
  • Not Bosses
  • The Divisive
  • Hardknock Grads
  • Un-inebriated
  • Tomboy Bait
  • Puff The Stuff
  • Can’t Never Could
  • Like All Wow And Everything
  • Kilo Pillow
  • Old Scratch Blues Band
  • Do NOT Get On Plane
  • The Wages Of Fun
  • Haul On
  • Play That Fast One
  • Got Got?
  • Ben Had & The Gullibles
  • Loved1
  • B-Side Cover Band
  • Woodstark
  • Lounge Singers And Proud Of It
  • Flaming Crypts
  • TummyTruck
  • Crispy Cretans
  • At Home In Sequins
  • GutterSnipes
  • Carjack Assassins
  • Ace of Spaz
  • Infatuation Under God
  • The Zilch
  • Viva Divan
  • Spraypaint For Me And My Friends
  • Card-carrying Non-members
  • Lawyers Guns and Gumby
  • Stalking In A Good Way
  • Jah Mon Gears
  • Breadfruit
  • Inept To Perfection
  • Roadside Pork
  • Very Very White Rice
  • Rad Is A Good Thang
  • Incontinent Drift Theory
  • Brandishing
  • Parallel University
  • Partake
  • Money Way Yo Mouth Be
  • Boxers Visible
  • Love Luge
  • Not A Pretty Sight
  • Do Tell
  • Tracey Chapstick Folkfest
  • Village Idiom
  • Have A Nice Day Johnny
  • Smackeroos
  • Secretly Hating
  • Switcheroo Rude Boys
  • Undetected
  • Mothers Against Everything
  • I Digress
  • 3D Hallucinogens
  • Makeover Removal
  • Period
  • The Violent Tamales
  • Cleans Up Nicely
  • Split The Adam
  • Chickens On The Freeway
  • Sarcophagus
  • Pets That Bite
  • High On Lifesavers
  • Star Truck
  • Here’s Johnny
  • Emperor’s New Straightjacket
  • Can’t Make Me
  • Turmoil Sherpas
  • Face Plant
  • I Say Pecan
  • Umbrellas Of Doom
  • Kiss Me Thrice
  • So & Sos
  • Mediocre At Best
  • Free Toes
  • Garnished
  • Fo Yo Luv
  • Bishop Takes Pawnshop
  • Tuna Shortage
  • Clothes Horsemen
  • Tube Socks
  • Pew
  • Strangers To Sarcasm
  • CB Radio Chic
  • Farfetch Dogs
  • Carpool Tunnel Singalongs
  • Fowl Playuhs
  • Tomorrow’s High Today
  • Null
  • Ravi’s Daughter
  • Low Hanging Fruit
  • Subject To Removal
  • You’re Not The Boss Of Me, Or Anyone For That Matter
  • Politically Impaired
  • Pontificate For Food
  • False In The Hood
  • Burro Deep
  • Jack Asinine Lives
  • Wookie Loogie
  • Heir To The Crazy Cat Lady
  • So That’s What Tsunami Means
  • GurAnimals
  • Filthy Rich Imagination
  • For The Taking
  • Klingon Off Switch
  • Pigsty And I And I
  • Molotov Cockatoos
  • Charm Schooled
  • Brave Matthew’s Hand