Search Results for hotel

My Hotel Has Wi-Fi … At Least ‘That’s What She Said”

December 29th, 2011 · Tags: Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

The first time I started a blog about Wi-Fi back in ’03, most people thought it was pretty interesting — especially this new thing called “Wi-Fi.” So, I explored … found a hotspot here and there … shared anecdotes … blah, blah. blah. My passion continues today — seeking out wireless and mixing in tall […]

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Hotel Wi-Fi Gets Decent Mark, With Boingo Assist

September 29th, 2010 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

So how ’bout this hotel, The Marque? Well, it wasn’t until my third or fourth night in my room that I noticed the earthquake damage in the room, up along the wall in the corner and above the artwork near the desk. Had that been there before? I don’t know … perhaps not. Because, almost […]

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PingWi-Fi Joins Civic Posse At Omni Fort Worth Hotel

January 12th, 2009 · Tags: Cities · Hotels

Several years ago, I did consulting work for a public affairs company in Dallas.  At that time, they were part of the coalition to “put down” all this crazy talk about a convention hotel in Fort Worth.  The public affairs team was spearheaded by a young, hard-hitting, self-assured woman who promised me that there “would […]

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Happy 8-Track Day, Music Heads Of Yesteryear!

April 11th, 2019 · Tags: Arts · Music

YES! Thanks to fellow music head J-Ferg for pointing out that today is National Eight-Track Tape Day! 8-Track Holiday My first 8-track player was a used tape player-only unit  — no AM/FM, no turntable — with two eight-inch-square speakers — purchased from my neighbor Barry for 10 bucks. And so it begun …  The last […]

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Motel 6 Leaves Something To Be Desired … But Wi-Fi Is A Win

December 30th, 2018 · Tags: Cities · Hotels · Wi-Fi

Since the early days, I have played this game on PingWi-Fi where I see just how cheap I can be … or rather … how inexpensively I can travel.  It’s just who I am … Mr. Frugal:) … I do it to excess … just a crazy game I play.  Ha … I have lived […]

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Playing The C Card – A Media Relations Farce Of One

December 30th, 2018 · Tags: Satire · Sports

You have my word.  If I am ever invited back for a second time to speak in front of the hundreds of members of the Dallas/Fort Worth Interactive Marketing Association, or the Dallas Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, or the Fort Worth Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, or to […]

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ServPro First Responders Bowl … Ain’t Happenin

December 27th, 2018 · Tags: Music · Satire · Sports

All roads leading to the historic Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas seemed to be clear for a timely arrival, even through some rough neighborhoods, west of Fair Park.  I had remembered to bring my media pass and my parking pass, no easy feat for me.  The grayish blue clouds parted for a few moments, as […]

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An AirBnB Brings New Kicks … Station 66

October 8th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities · Hotels · Uncategorized · Wi-Fi

  My story began in Vega, Texas … where “what stayed in Vega, happened in Vega,” I love to say. In the early chapters, childhood was spent watching sports teams at the school, hours upon hours — when I wasn’t watching Fall’s fading light obscure the fast-moving shadow of a school bus, over country roads, […]

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Pinging The Pyramid Of The Sun – Teotihuacan

September 4th, 2018 · Tags: Arts · Cities

  After a quick jaunt back to Texas, I returned to “The Dirty Gig” in Mexico and then on the first opportunity headed straight for The Pyramid of the Sun, an hour northeast of Mexico City.  IF I had a bucket list, Teotihuacan would be there.  But who takes the credit for it making the […]

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GPS — Gringo Peso Shortage In Mexico Wi-Fi Travel

July 16th, 2018 · Tags: Airports · Cities · Coffee Shops · Wi-Fi

Welcome to Mexico. Unlike just about every one of my friends, I had never been to the true resort areas of Mexico, merely some border cities. Still haven’t … However, today I woke up in the heart of Mexico, three hours northwest of Mexico City in the cuidad de Celaya. Celaya has all the traditional […]

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