“Everybody Gotta Deviate From The Norm” :)

April 6th, 2016 · Tags:Uncategorized

… Or maybe that should be “Everybody Gotta Deviate From The Bern,” … with apologies to Rush.


Just finished Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead. Such a visionary, circa 1938. This excerpt (below) from AR’s notes as she wrote the novel seem to mirror today’s rise of lemming-like masses — those who riot in support of lawless criminals … those who fail to realize the competitiveness built into the American way is what made us the best in the world … those who want to divide up everything and give everyone a “participant ribbon” mentality … and she even “prophecized” the shallow state of social media in which the number of followers is more important than content … And on and on …


During the writing of the book, Rand journaled: “The paradox of the dregs of humanity actually feeling contempt for their betters, because they are better. Quantity alone considered important—quality no longer even considered. The masses triumphant. [Real-life] example of this: the head of a “charm school,” a contemptible racket, having been attacked by a “high brow” magazine, states haughtily: “Why should I worry? Who are they? In all the years they’ve been in existence, they have only a hundred thousand circulation. I have a million customers in one year!”
Ha … why did I pick up The Fountainhead? I’ve read so many times that Neil Peart, the drummer and lyricist for Rush attributes much of the band’s philosophy to Ayn Rand. Good enough for me.

Ha … This is cool.  A course outline posted by The Rand Institute, analyzing Rush/Rand doctine:



More thoughts on Objectivism: