Are You Ready For Some Binge-Watch Football?

August 27th, 2015 · Tags:Arts


DIFF142 Plemons sized

Jesse Plemons – “Landry” … front man of Crucifictorious:)

Ha … ever in search of something binge-watch worthy, I finally took on “Friday Night Lights,” after hearing it’s praises forever. Pleasantly surprised. Just started Season 4 … (spoiler) … it’s like a Tale of Two Cities … just when I was growing accustomed to the “Haves,” now we’re focusing on the “Have Nots” — much more interesting.

Worthy to note all of the (paid, I am sure) placements in the script by my beloved Texas Tech. Ha … I had forgotten that the genius Mike Leach had a cameo in the series.  As much as I love Coach and his “inner pirate,” it was a pretty awkward placement, so I am assuming the school paid for that one too. Anyway … Guns Up East Dillon:)

Wish I had visited with this guy (Jesse Plemons) more when I met him at Dallas International Film Festival … only knew him from Breaking Bad at that time. Surprisingly, a much more multi-faceted role in the football epic.

Above all, surprising that the football scenes/scenarios are believable.  Typically … sports films look so bogus.  Ha … we coined a term back in the day — #BBS — for Bogus Basketball Scene for all the roundball misfires we have seen over the years.  The coming-of-age scenes are pretty believable … and of course the series — like all others — pushes a liberal social agenda down our throats, point-by-point … But the sports fan finds themselves craving more of the gridiron action.  Well played.

Lastly … very happy to report that someone calling themselves #SmashWilliams is now following us — @pingwifi — on Twitter.  Does it get any better than that?

Know what I sayin?