I Got All DareDevil-ish On Ride To Columbia (Mizzou)

May 17th, 2014 · Tags:Uncategorized

No one else would really care about this … but that’s blogging, right? On the ride from Fort Worth to Columbia Mizzou, i pulled the bike over in Springfield, Mo. for two reasons. First my friend Markus (with a K) is from Springfield. Second, so is one of my favorite old bands, The Ozark Mountain Daredevils. So, I thought it would be funny if I just started asking people on the street if they knew where I could find the OMDDs. Hmmm … maybe too quirky for even me. I put the idea on the back burner … So, I had pulled into a gas station and I noticed this guy sort of limping on by and looking at the Triumph. He didn’t say anything. Later when he came out of the convenience store, he complimented me on the bike and started telling me all about his motorcycle days. He was the 2nd best motocross racer in Missouri, he said. And his walk was impaired by the many wipeouts. Great guy. Said he rode a Penton, back in the day. And he knew all about Triumphs. OK … I couldn’t resist … “So, do you know where I can find the Ozark Mountain Daredevils?” He got a huge grin on his face. And said, “That is funny that you mention them because i used to date one of the guys’ sisters and we hung out at their practice studio all the time.” He went on to tell me which band member was doing what these days. He knew that one of the band members went on to be a doctor (which I know to be true). He filled me in on about 20 years of DareDevil history … ha … and I was leaving, he ran to his truck and pulled a bunch of OMDD CDs from the glove compartment just to add authenticity to his stories … It was a nice little classic rock moment to break up the ride. Yep … Fort Worth to Columbia … 600 miles and 9 hours later … Done!


Know what I sayin?