ESPN … Who Could’ve Said It Better In Texas Tech Game?

October 25th, 2008 · Tags:Satire · Sports

No one … and I mean no one is a bigger fan than PingWi-Fi when it comes to obscure rock ‘n’ roll references! So, did you catch the roving reporter on ESPN during the Texas Tech vs. Kansas football game? His name is Rob Stone … but I am going to just go ahead and call him Ro-Stone, for tone.

Kansas arguably made a mistake in scheduling Heisman deservee Graham Harrell and Texas Tech for the KU homecoming game.  When the score was 63-14, with 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter, there was much more blue around the tailgate parties, than in the stands.  Ro-Stone was interviewing people – with attitude I might add — about their running out on the home team (some as early as the third quarter).

As the journalist walked against the flow of Kansas fans leaving the game prematurely, he said, “We’re about to get ‘Who-concerted’ by the bum rush of fans coming out …”  Cold!  Quite a dry reference to a tragic day in rock history:,9171,920746,00.html

ESPN gets a rating today for their reporter’s cross-over comment, mixing football and rock. The score?  What else? Seven pings — TOUCHDOWN! Mr. Stone.

Now, speaking of ESPN and rock … during your promos, would someone at ESPN select real AC/DC — not that AC/”Deucey” crap recorded after the death of singer Bon Scott (who died on my birthday)?