Wi-Fi Planet Reports Students Rush To ‘Wi-Phi’ Fraterity

October 25th, 2008 · Tags:Satire

Mentor Naomi Graychase, editor and chief slam poet at Wi-Fi Planet, wrote a nice piece …

College Students Say, “I Want My Wi-Fi”
By Naomi Graychase

MTV is fine, but for the Google Generation, the more fervent refrain is, “I want my Wi-Fi.” In a poll conducted earlier this year, the Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) learned that nine out of ten college students consider Wi-Fi to be as essential to their academic lives as classrooms and computers.

Wi-Fi, says the WFA, is an integral part of today’s college experience—and they’re not just saying that because it’s their job to promote WLANs. In a survey conducted in September by the Wi-Fi Alliance and Wakefield Research, nine out of ten college students in the United States said Wi-Fi access is as essential to their educations as classrooms and computers. Convictions are so strong, in fact, that nearly three in five said they wouldn’t even consider going to a college that doesn’t have free Wi-Fi.

The rest of this reading assignment is at:


Naomi is my kind of editor … she bristles when people mistakenly report that Wi-Fi is an abbreviation for wireless fidelity. Additional required reading on the definition of Wi-Fi at Wi-Fi Planet:


So … at PingWi-FI can we rate a person? Hmmm … that’s a bit of a ethical issue. We do however claim the right to rate a professional. Naomi G. is a great journalist and proponent of all things Wi-Fi.

Perfecta, professora! (After all, she did “discover” this blogger, although others journalists’ coverage followed.)