Pause For The Cause – A Little Over The Top & Off The Sides

October 9th, 2013 · Tags:Cities

No More Ping Tails



Representin, Semi-Respectable


Well … I had already committed to donate hair to Locks of Love before I did some Google research.  It seems there are a few questions regarding the organization and its providing hairpieces to children with cancer and other ailments.  Oh well … I remain optimistic and hope my hair finds a good home … my “rescue hair” as I call it, is on its way.  Regardless … in spite of my friends’ criticism, I scratched off another bullet point on the bucket list.

That little triangle in the PingWi-Fi logo … no longer the freak flag:) (Ha … the triangle isn’t there to make a video play either … maybe you have clicked on it …) I digress …

About the haircut … For months I struggled with tangles, but more importantly, trying to devise some publicity stunt to raise awareness for Locks of Love.  I got nuthin.

So much for my grandiose idea for Yoko Ono to create some more hair peace … Didn’t hear back from The Flaming Lips about doing a cover and video of Hair … Tough being a blogger under the radar.  Frankly … I just ran out of ideas and did this with little pomp/circumstance … It’s the locks that count, right?

It still blows me away, that just after trading e-mails with Yoko’s PR people, I saw her son Sean on the street in NYC.  How small of a world is that?  No, I didn’t stop him on the street, given that family’s history with stalking. I digress …


Ping Hair Piece


The good news … I found my old friend Boston who used to cut my hair … when I used to get haircuts.  Funny … it was embarrassing enough back when she cut my hair at Goldwaves.  Her new salon? Ha … Bombshell Beauty Factory… on the cool Magnolia/South Side of Fort Worth. Ha … you be the judge.

Ha … I was in such a grooming frenzy … I forgot to check for Wi-Fi. That is not like me.


Ha! “Get in touch with your inner bombshell.” Snip, snip, snip …. represent.  Bombshell gets 7 PingBombs … perfect score.


Anywho … Thanks for the help getting my donation to Locks of Love –


Know what I sayin?