Wi-Fi Soul Searchin – Religiously Mon, In Colorado Springs

October 17th, 2012 · Tags:Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi


Manitou Springs

I was lamenting the fact that my motorcycle does not have a GPS unit as I did the traffic circle in Manitou Springs, Colo., not because I was lost, it is fairly straight forward … I mean as straight forward as a circle can be. It was just that I was missing the sound of the GPS voice and how funny it pronounces “roundabout.” Have you heard that? I digress …

So anyway, as I circumnavigated this little hole in the road — darn it, missed the coffee shop that is just beyond its perimeter. You would think finding anything in Manitou Springs would be as easy as pi (couldn’t resist the geometry pun.)

But I missed it … so I parked the bike and set out on foot. Down the street I stopped in a huge t-shirt retailer and asked where I had gone wrong in missing the coffee shop. I was told there was only one — the one directly across the street. Hmmm … didn’t look like the one I thought I saw a few days earlier. (I now think it was one merchant looking out for their buddies across the street.) That’s acceptable.

So … that is how I found Spice of Life, a deli, breakfast eatery, and sort of coffee shop. My first thought … hmmm … “Where are the people?” But it was late for coffee and early for lunch. I was the only one inside at first. But once I put my butt in a seat, other butts followed. Had a nice mango smoothy, since I had already downed half a pot of coffee at the multi-level WesterFunk Wi-Fi villa up on the mountain where I stay.



Spice of Life


Back to Spice … it had a great Wi-Fi hotspot — encrypted, locked, code protected and all that — and my iTunes radio streamed healthily like the bubbling stream a few dozen feet away at Soda Springs Park. However, if there were a contest for uncomfortable seating I think Spice would be a contender. What a shame considering the best mosaic, sculptured sidewalk bench in the world sits just in front of their door. I wouldn’t say the worker peeps were overly friendly, either.




Spice of Life — I just wasn’t feelin’ the mountain love in this place. The wireless was superb, the smoothie mediocre, but I wanted a little more Rocky Mountain “hi” to go with the Wi-Fi – 4 pings.

Then, over in Colorado Springs … Rasta Pasta — I was a little surprised that my pasta noodles were not food-coloring red, green and gold in true Rastafarian hues, but beyond that … the place was jahmin. After whistling through the catchy Bob Marley names menu, I decided upon what was described as the local favorite — The Natural Mystic — an amped up curry concoction with penne pasta, Jamaican jerk chicken, pineapples and onions. Pretty good and such a brilliant shade of near fluorescent yellow.

Natural Mystic

BTW, Happy Birthday today, Ziggy Marley … I digress …

Do the pastafarians have Wi-Fi for I and I and I? Well … yes they do. Bob Marley would be proud (I mean, you know, had he been a computer nerd).

This time, I had my laptop stashed back at the villa, so I had to hand roll the Wi-Fi on my iPhone. Facebook and Safari seemed to stream fine to the reggae vibes.


Jah Pastafari





Rasta Pasta Wi-Fi – dee wireless mon, it be lettin me lively up dem self … mon … no problems … three little birds X2 for a total of 6 pings. It was going to be a rock steady 7 score, but, I am sorry one of the waitresses was wearing the overbearing, gawd-awful scented oil they sell at headshops. Patchouli! Sorry … won’t tolerate it. I can tell you are a hippie without you broadcasting it.





Next up … some Rocky Mountain Vietnamese … Saigon Cafe downtown in The Springs. Nice place … Lots of awards (I have read). Got ambiance? Hmmm … The 49ers game a few feet away behind the bar was not a bad thing — better than a bamboo cage I suppose — but not exactly an Asian atmosphere builder. Good news. Saigon has Wi-Fi … but I was a little too preoccupied with my bottomless bowl of grilled pork noodle special. Good food.




Good honk! Saigon actually had a hostess who seated our party of six in a good table, rather that in the worst one available. (I think there is a training course for hostpersons that teaches them to seat the crappy tables first …) The noodle special was my own little salad bar, and the grilled pork was great. I would suggest adding a bit more meat, so that the pork isn’t confused for a garnish. Great eggrolls too – 5 pings.


HA … later I looked again and there was the cool coffee shop I was beginning to think was my imagination — remember me — the guy all lost in the traffic circle above? When I retraced my steps, I saw that the coffee shop was just a few feet from where I had parked the 2004 Triumph Speedmaster … just around the bend. So close … yet …


This time, I was on the run, so I didn’t get a chance to chill in Common Ground. But, I bet you I can give you a pretty accurate witness (that’s church talk for, well you know) … because … I have written about their sister coffee shop back in Massachusetts. You see, both are owned and operated by a religious communal group — The Twelve Tribes. Google them. You will find some pretty strong opinions at both ends of the spectrum regarding their doctrine and not-of-the world practices.


The Twelve Tribes … a coffee cult? I don’t know, but the experience is certainly a cultural trade off. Yes there is Wi-Fi, excellent homemade breads and pastries … great hand-crafted furniture (fan) and perhaps hand-crafted fashions on the members (not a fan) … but … maybe not. Anyway … it is a good little Hippie communal experience, with something extra, if you know what I mean. Also … kudos … the place smells like coffee, the breaking of bread and not the splashing of Patchouli.




Wouldn’t dare throw out even a single six to anyone who professes faith. Good coffee, good Wi-Fi and seemingly good brethren and sister-en. Common Ground gets the alpha through the omega — 7 pings.


Last thought … years ago I visited The 12 in Massachusetts. One of the brothers shared a pastry and his testimony … not in an overbearing way. Me … I partook of the Wi-Fi and blogged away. As I left, typical for me, in a hurry, I accidentally left the power chord from my computer. When I returned to Texas, I e-mailed them. They not only found the chord, they mailed it to me and would not accept payment. I found that to be Christlike, for what it’s worth.



Know what I sayin?