“Welcome to starting a new business, Mr. Ping.” Hah! … Do I think this site will take off? Certainly. Will it be anytime soon? Who knows. But, rest assured until those sponsors beg to be on my site, there is a contingency plan for survival. In fact, in the interest of full disclosure, my accounting staff has advised me to post the “Top 10 Alternative Sources of Cash Flow for PingWi-Fi”:
Number 10:
Audition as hand model for GPS/Blackberry/iPhone industry
Number 9:
Clean the bathrooms at coffee shops, starting a nationwide trend
Number 8:
Hole up in prayer tower until $2 million in donations trickle in
Number 7:
Donate body to Science Diet
Number 6:
Ask for $10-donations under the guise of running for president
Number 5:
Wear a really large and scary chicken suit at a local fast food joint
Number 4:
Become man of girth, join cast of Biggest Loser next season
Number 3:
Be cast as plasma extra for new HBO TrueBlood vampire soap opera
Number 2:
Harness windpower from Bill Maher’s lame, political outbursts
Number 1:
Have tea with home-grown terrorist to launch cottage industry/political career