PingWi-Fi Branding For The Cause At The Caddys

July 14th, 2011 · Tags:Arts · Cities

I heard it might rain if you spray paint The Cadillac Ranch … Don’t say we aren’t doing our part to fight global warming, drought and the mundane:) What color is your Cadillac?

Hmmm … it is about time to pay The Cadillac Ranch another visit.  The big Oldham County BBQ Thang … Round Up … or “Ruined Up” as I sayz it, is coming up on the second Saturday in August.  That’s in Vega, just down the road, west of The C-Ranch.

Will we continue our tradition of camping out on The PingFarm? … Hope so … Better pack lots of water!  The music will flow and the fire will glow — provided the burn ban is lifted for the area.  One thing is assured … the dust will blow.  That’s why we call our annual PingFarm pilgrimage “The Blowing Man” festival … you know like Burning Man in the Nevada desert.

Know what I sayin?