Michigan State Steals Tech Thunder in Coach McNeill Debut … So Far

January 2nd, 2010 · Tags:Satire · Sports

The Ladies of Planet Sunglasses Want Their Leader Back

So … standing there on the sidelines of the Texas Tech, Michigan State game, tweeting my own business when someone rifles a pass over the sidelines.  Thank goodness it skipped before it hit me. LOL … I was like all trying to be cool and not jump or pass out or whatever.  I tried to stop it with my foot soccer style.  It caromed on around the corner.  I won’t be getting any soccer scholarships any time soon.

Tech Staff Bends Potts' Ear

Tech Staff Bends Potts

As I write, it is the opening minutes of the second half.  Michigan State has just tied up Texas Tech at 20, and with a successful extra point will take the lead.  They did.  21-20 Spartans.

The Hold

The Hold

And I was just about to say that the kicking of Texas Tech Cinderella story Matt Williams who has hit 2 of 3, was keeping Tech above water.  Williams as you will recall was the poster boy for halftime contests, winning a try out with FORMER Coach Mike Leach … after he booted a ball to win free rent during a Tech Game.  Soon after Williams joined the team and the rest is history.  Well … he has been earning his rent tonight … so to speak.

The Kick

The Kick

This is just a quick update before i head back to the sidelines.  Now, with 5:40 left in the 3rd Quarter, Tech leads again by a score of 27-21… going back to the two Matt Williams field goals … and the Legacy of Mike Leach and his unorthodox recruiting.

Again … if interested follow us on Twitter at @pingwifi as Rockdog and I tweet it as we sees it.

Know what I sayin?