Take A Tip From Stock Analyst — Wi-Fi Paradise

November 3rd, 2009 · Tags:Cities · Coffee Shops · Restaurant · Wi-Fi

The job just keeps getting dirtier here in Louisville — on the disaster recovery front — flooding … muck … more flooding … blah, blah, blah.

I have been working for several months with a team of professionals who are restoring order in some flooded buildings in Louisville. It’s hard work and ever humbling … but until a new sponsor rolls in, it keeps me blogging and on the road.

As for the blog, I am always grateful for a good tips from the locals. Sometimes the tips come from the job site. Other times, they don’t. For instance the other day I asked one of the laborers if they could tell me more about this “world famous breakfast joint” in Louisville I had been hearing about.

“Ah Kent … I would have to say, I don’t know, I guess that’d be IHOP.”

That’s your tip for the day? Back to work!

I knew there was a better answer. I remembered that ESPN broadcast a game from Louisville a couple of weeks back and they mentioned the breakfast spot … I just couldn’t remember the name.

Well … when it comes to tips, go with someone you trust — like stock analyst David Johnson back in Dallas. He and I traded a few e-mails about something unrelated, and when I told him I was in The Ville he recommended Paradise Café.

That David Johnson knows his stock market … he knows his electronic gadgets and he knows his restaurants. But, he will “let just about anyone” on his CEO Spotlight on KRLD Radio in Dallas …

David Johnson’s CEO Spotlight

I digress …

Anyway, thanks for the breakfast tip David. Right on the money. How do you feel about tobacco futures? … or whatever?

So, later in the week when my dirty gig shift was over, I hopped in the car and drove straight to Lynn’s PC.

Well .. You can’t miss it — not far off Bardstown Road on Barrett Avenue. It is about as vibrant as a carnival attraction and surrounded with wild art and the parking lot is jam packed.

Inside is an eclectic mix of family picnic, diner kitsch, tourist hype and down home service. The place is covered in multi-colored lights, wild lamps, outlandish mannequin leg sculptures, treetops stuffed with kites … and mirrored disco balls.

My waitress for the night was dressed in pigtails, a Mickey Mouseketeer hat, striped leggings, a hippie skirt, t-shirt, and high-top black tennis shoes.

I would also say the cafe is a blend of an arts fair, a 10-year-old’s birthday party and a bunch of things your aunt might like.

But it is Lynn’s breakfast that is most well known, even more than the eclectic décor. Celebrity chef Bobby Flay apparently loved the place … especially its Bourbon Ball French Toast and Kentucky Farmhouse Scramble, I am told.

Bobby Flay On Paradise Cafe

I heard that The Travel Chanel is also coming to LPC for a segment. Watch for that.

But for me there is a problem … my schedule doesn’t permit me to get over to Paradise for breakfast. So, I opted for dessert instead. No complaints. I tried the Derby Pie, which is specially made for LPC by Kerns Kitchen … which has actually trademarked the pie. The bakery event imprints its name in the outside band of the pie crust. The dish’s only downfall

… the ice cream served on top was a bit lackluster. I would have given anything for some Blue Bell Natural Vanilla Bean … but oh well … Still totally TDF. And get this — LPC is soon to add their own homemade ice cream. (I believe that bit of dessert news is known as “a scoop.”) I hope the story develops during my stay in “The Ville.” I’ll be back.

Other notes … I found it strange that two missionaries of “an alternate faith” shall we say, parked their bicycles long enough to plop down backpacks in the booth behind me … disappeared … came back about 10 minutes later … straightened their ties and left without eating or drinking anything. Interesting.

Karri, Paradise

But … when all is said and done … it is Wi-Fi that drew me to this colorful café. Is it also a Wi-Fi Paradise? Well … I don’t know about that but Paradise Wi-Fi is free, easy, and worked perfectly for the hour I spent working near and marveling at a 1960s art-deco dinette set. My booth might as well have been the center of the red vinyl, Wi-Fi universe … a very good place.

I sent out a double helping of Tweets and a few e-mails … edited some photos and surfed the Web … flawlessly.

Well worth the trip and worthy of the acclaim. Critics agree the food is exceptional … and they make Wi-Fi fun — perfect score, 7 pings.

Last thought — exceptional service and also PR on the spot. It is no accident that Lynn’s gets so much news coverage. They do publicity right. Yes … even the travel bloggers are treated to a fun little press kit … ha .. Complete with a potato gun, a cookie cutter, a stress ball … and the Paradise Café spiel. Good times.

Lynn’s Paradise Cafe

Know what I sayin?