Wi-Fi … Wi-Fi … Wi-Fi — Beatles and AA Come Together

September 9th, 2009 · Tags:Airports · Arts · Cities · Wi-Fi

'Baby You're A Rich Man'

“Number nine. Number nine. Number nine.”

(No … not Kasey Kahne of NASCAR …)

Oh it was so many years ago that Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play … and yet the Beatles live on in digital remixdom and an new Rock Band game release.

Is this brilliant marketing or what, that the new Beatles stuff is released on 09-09-09?

I trust Paul had a hand in this, such a wit and a business mind as well.

And of course what might have been if John had lived to see this day. I suppose he would have shunned all the hype … but you never know.

FYI-Fi … Edna Gundersen wrote a nice Beatles piece in USA Today today:

The Beatles Today

So … on the fine 9-9-9 morning, I am cruising along at 39,999 feet on an American Airlines flight from The Ville (Louisville, Kent.) to Big D (Dallas Cowboyville).

Much to my glee, I noted a Wi-Fi logo on the aisle marketers. This is my kinda a sweet ride in the sky. Can’t wait to send some tweets and a twitpic or too.

But wait! False advertising at 40,000 feet (I rounded up)? At first, my Wi-Fi detector was stuck in a holding pattern. My NetGear WG111v2 adapter, working in concert with this old Dell Latitude workhouse laptop couldn’t find the Gogo network on board. What the …?

Well … after a few tweaks, the electronics team all have Come Together and I am riding high on Wi-Fi.

Needless to say … this is my element. Connectivity and The Beatles … man … all you need is Wi-Fi.

Gogo, Ringo, and American Airlines have given me quite the ticket to ride — 7 pings … a perfect score. (I would have awarded 9, if I had them on the pingwi-fi scale.)

Know what I sayin?